Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Can a "Sharknado" Really Happen?
"Global warming IS the reason..."
So exclaims a local TV news reporter as a sharknado - a climate change-abetted windstorm that sucks in an armada of malevolent sharks - approaches the heart of Los Angeles. As the sharknado descends, the cyclone starts flinging horrifying sharks at an innocent public and Tara Reid. The only logical way to defeat a sharknado is with chainsaws, shotguns, handguns, helicopters, crudely made bombs, and selfless acts of brawny heroism.
Sharknado, which premieres Thursday, July 11 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Syfy, is a movie for our times. Not only does it address the hotly political issue of climate change, it also features a storeowner who claims that the National Security Agency - the gigantic entity that Edward Snowden pissed off - is responsible for generating and unleashing sharknados on the American people. (The female newscaster, not the small businessman, is right, though this doesn't turn out to be much comfort to her, since she gets devoured by a shark during a live broadcast.)
Yes, I know it's meant to be campy and funny and all that. And I feel confident that the vast majority of left-wing nutjobs don't really think that "global warming" will soon cause sharks to fly out of the sky and kill them.  I could be wrong.

Then again, there was the Democrat Congressman from Georgia who thought that Guam could actually tip over.  And then there was the Hollyweird clown who thought that the 2010 earthquake in Haiti was - like a sharknado - the product of "global warming."  And earlier this year there were at least two U.S. Senators (both progs, naturally) who actually blamed a tornado on global warming.  Sadly, for most proggies the barrier between what's real and what's fantasy is eco-friendly-toilet-paper thin.

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