Greg welcomes guests Sherrod Small, Chris Barron and Jedediah Bila.
Koch's Interest in the Media Business
Since March 12 there have been numerous news stories about Koch Industries' possible interest in the acquisition of a media company.
In mid-May we posted this piece on KochFacts that included our statements on the potential acquisition of Tribune Company. It set forth facts about our company. As expected, there have been coordinated protests by political and organizational activists in several cities, including one that took place in Los Angeles on May 29. Captured on this video are comments from some of the protesters, including this remark by a Greenpeace activist saying: "Here's the headline I want to see in the Los Angeles Times tomorrow: 'Los Angeles to Koch Brothers: Drop Dead.'"
The video provides unfortunate evidence that the protesters are ill-informed about Koch's beliefs and values as a company. Many of the attacks are personal, threatening, and unfounded. We hope these types of hate-filled demonstrations are a wake-up call for all who believe in civility, diversity, and respect, and who believe that free speech is a Constitutional right. For its part, Koch Industries does not and will never engage in hate speech. Koch will make investment decisions based on our own set of criteria and principles. In America, protesters have a right to protest; however we haven't been intimidated by past politically motivated attacks, and we won’t be intimidated by these protests. The demonstrations carry no weight and have no influence on investment decisions we make.

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