Rep. Marsha Blackburn Slams Planned Parenthood Democrats: You Can't Handle the Truth
Planned Parenthood Releases Propaganda Film Portraying Pro-Life People in a Despicable Way
Fanatical Pro-Abortion Television Producer Wanted to Show an Abortion on Air
I Was Kicked Out of My Class Facebook Group Because I'm Pro-Life
Kansas Abortionists Fight to Keep Dismembering Unborn Babies and Tearing Off Their Limbs
Jews and Atheists Say Abortion is Morally Acceptable, Protestants, Catholics and Mormons Say No
Why are British Midwives Being Forced to Assist With Abortions?
Poland: Hospital Stops Abortions After Every Single Doctor Signs Pledge Refusing to Do Them
Pro-Life Clinic Offering Women Real Choice Opens Next Door to Abortion Clinic
My Boyfriend and I Decided to Have an Abortion, But a Simple Prayer Changed Everything