Don't Waste Your Lent: 7 Ways to Have a Good Lent
10 Things to Fast From This Lent Instead of Chocolate
Students at Faithful Catholic Colleges Encouraged to Participate in Lenten Devotions
Why We Need Lent
The Great Lent
Happy the pardoned whose sin is canceled; in whom GOD finds no evil, no deceit. Ps.32 #lauds #AshWednesday #Lent pic.twitter.com/AvmfWSdBhu— Sr. Mary Clark, OSB (@SisterMClark) February 10, 2016
"Why Christ Needed the Wilderness (& So Do We)"#AshWednesday #Lent https://t.co/y2goS6qurS pic.twitter.com/v4ECOaAWPh— Catholic Thinker (@ThinkerCatholic) February 10, 2016
Ash Wednesday: Remember you are dust. . . pic.twitter.com/bgORH5rVsV— Fr Doug Halsema (@FrDougHalsema) February 10, 2016
This special day begins our Lenten journey https://t.co/4xthRwGXZO #ashwednesday #ashtag pic.twitter.com/VPZRukRWmh— Our Sunday Visitor (@OSV) February 10, 2016
— Catholic News Agency (@cnalive) February 10, 2016
In honor of the feast of #StScholastica here's me with my favorite Benedictine! #FriendsSinceFourthGrade #NunsRock pic.twitter.com/yURieKHfIa— Sister Andrew Marie (@SrAndrewFSP) February 10, 2016
Inscription says: "All skulls are signed but one; write your name on it, it is yours." #MementoMori pic.twitter.com/j2dQDdHLk8— Chad Pecknold (@ccpecknold) February 10, 2016
O God.. in your kindness pour out the grace of your blessing on your servants who are marked with these ashes... pic.twitter.com/lIJaSDKl2i— McCrimmon Publishing (@McCrimmonsuk) February 10, 2016
#Lent isn't a performance, it's for the renewal of your soul. Grow closer to Christ. #homilytweet pic.twitter.com/BVmyLen7Tq— Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) February 10, 2016
I try to stay within the lines 👍🏽 pic.twitter.com/7iVFxTJLir— Fr. Darrin Merlino (@CaliPriest) February 10, 2016
Ashes to ashes dust to dust we will all return to God #AshWednesday @JimSichko @fr_gonzales @FrCollinPoston @jshocds pic.twitter.com/wm8IoINHBZ— Heather keniston (@KenistonHeather) February 10, 2016
This Ash Wednesday, we pray with persecuted Christians around the world. https://t.co/Am78Lj9gq5 pic.twitter.com/nGJK1EGeyf— Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) February 10, 2016
— Classy Catholic (@ClassyCatholic) February 10, 2016
This #AshWednesday, Sts Xavier & Frances of Rome, are our guides in his Year of Mercy https://t.co/jgAiTgQsne #Lent pic.twitter.com/hSoVjqAnyn— Our Sunday Visitor (@OSV) February 11, 2016
It's still #AshWednesday, but today is a good day to remember that you can't #fail #Lent if you just keep trying. https://t.co/HSyx53KWlQ— Christine J. ن (@CatholicMomVA) February 11, 2016
Dat Ash✌🏼️ pic.twitter.com/zUlrepdUV4— Catholic Classy (@CatholicClassy) February 11, 2016
Family photo after mass tonight. We're ready for #Lent. #AshWednesday #ashtag pic.twitter.com/xxztk37kaz— MyCatholicTshirt ن✞ (@MyCatholicTshir) February 11, 2016
Photo: https://t.co/Aohqqt9to0 Pope Francis gives out ashes on #AshWednesday pic.twitter.com/LfXtra9HVJ— Catholic News Agency (@cnalive) February 11, 2016
— Catholic News Agency (@cnalive) February 11, 2016
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) February 11, 2016
9 Things to Know and Share About Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday: Between Dying and Birth
Ash Wednesday & The Greatest Pro-Life Weapon
Lent, Fasting, and Catholic Solidarity
Today's Mass Readings

I really enjoyed this post about Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season. Loads of great reading and suggestions on what sacrifice means, how to choose wisely and why it is important to observe. I've noticed with age that every year I look increasingly forward to Lent. The World and life in general is on a secular and ever-quickening pace and taking this season to slow down and reflect on our own sins is a welcome occasion. "Lord, create in me a clear heart"