In addition to that $26 million, state-level Friends of Scott Walker have raised nearly $6 million: http://t.co/jYNJQ2bdWQ
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) July 21, 2015
Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods #PPSellsBabyParts http://t.co/lQp1ObMkHj
— Rachel Mullen (@rachelfromohio) July 21, 2015
GOP presidential hopeful Scott Walker signs abortion ban bill http://t.co/UtePwTUWUo
— FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) July 21, 2015
Reminder: @scottwalker defunded Planned Parenthood in WI- pic.twitter.com/H2z0vzeIGH
— Brittany (@bccover) July 21, 2015
— Brittany (@bccover) July 21, 2015
Deroy Murdock column: @ScottWalker has been good for workers: http://t.co/R38XZzCzEl
— Drew Cline (@DrewHampshire) July 21, 2015
Scott Walker Takes Big Lead in Iowa 2016 Poll http://t.co/rxniObtEpO via @BreitbartNews
— Matt Oczkowski (@MattOczkowski) July 21, 2015
In wake of Chattanooga shooting, Scott Walker issues an executive order allowing Wisconsin National Guard to carry weapons while on duty.
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) July 21, 2015
Walker: Arming on-duty National Guard members “gives them the tools they need to serve and protect our citizens, as well as themselves.”
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) July 21, 2015
"Walker Blisters Obama Over Normalizing Relations With Murderous Cuban Regime" http://t.co/M53oIOWUo3
— AshLee Strong (@ashlee_strong) July 21, 2015
Add something new to your morning routine with a #Walker16 coffee mug. BUY: http://t.co/PwCVqm4FEQ pic.twitter.com/2NUGYxgKcc
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 21, 2015
Scott Walker will be in Nashville tomorrow morning. Tennessee is part of the SEC primary. http://t.co/0zqJ3fGu1Y
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) July 21, 2015
"Thanks to a fiscal policy of reducing tax & regulatory burdens ... Wisconsin now outperforms many of its neighbors." http://t.co/SSMxICDMKG
— Steve Forbes (@SteveForbesCEO) July 21, 2015
.@ScottWalker Is Right on Iran: http://t.co/Y9XzWmpOt4 @robertcobrien @hughhewitt @RealClearNow @GordonGChang @JJCarafano @JoelWeickgenant
— Harry Kazianis (@GrecianFormula) July 21, 2015
As Governor, @ScottWalker has fought to protect and defend life. #DefundPP #Walker16 pic.twitter.com/9OCFvUdrAB
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) July 21, 2015
With your morning coffee "How workers are winning in Scott Walker's Wisconsin" http://t.co/tcVM6TWNr6 #Walker16
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 21, 2015
.@AP: "Walker's record includes defunding Planned Parenthood" http://t.co/0DZRm5aFed #Prolife #Walker16
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) July 21, 2015
.@HillaryClinton attacks @ScottWalker over ban on abortions after 5 months & he responds directly http://t.co/7bEQlzd5sU via @BreitbartNews
— Justin LoFranco (@JayLow) July 21, 2015
New today: Wisconsin AFL-CIO says Scott Walker’s budget "includes no weekend for workers.” False http://t.co/PyzmUZ5euh
— PolitiFact Wisconsin (@PolitiFactWisc) July 21, 2015
BREAKING: 48 @UWMadison profs, staff say it is “academic freedom” to call @ScottWalker “Hitler” http://t.co/Vraxcmlhz0 #wiright #wiunion
— mediatrackers (@mediatrackers) July 21, 2015
6983 miles later #Walker16 week 1 is a wrap. #Walker16 Week two starts today in Nashville. pic.twitter.com/QCznLj3dV0
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 21, 2015
We are honored that @ScottWalker will be eating breakfast with us at Puckett's #Nashville tomorrow!! Better make those biscuits extra good..
— Puckett's (@PuckettsGrocery) July 21, 2015
.@AlexWalkerWI and @MattWalkerWI's latest dispatch from the road: "Ready for the Long Haul" READ: http://t.co/gWkvIdJcSG #Walker16
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 21, 2015
Q: How can Walker win Hispanic vote? Wiley A: He carried Hispanic wards as Milwaukee Co. exec. Hispanics care abt issues beyond immigration.
— Mark Sommerhauser (@msommerhauser) July 21, 2015
.@rick_wiley: Lots to brief on when preparing to run for prez. "Foreign policy has been front & center." Israel trip helped. #Walker16
— Jessie Opoien (@jessieopie) July 21, 2015
.@ScottWalker top adviser @rick_wiley says he likes $32M raised, position Walker is in; must finish in top 3 in first 4 voting states
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) July 21, 2015
.@rick_wiley: "One of the appeals of Scott Walker is his message doesn't change going to any demographic in the country."
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) July 21, 2015
"I wanted it to come from me and got rid of the podium, got rid of notes, got rid of a Teleprompter." http://t.co/fsG9YcqE0D #Walker16
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 21, 2015
A shady gaggle on Sunday in Plainfield Iowa with @wpjenna @seangallitz @LaurenBlanch12 #Walker16 pic.twitter.com/Wf09muOCip
— Andrew Snow (@AndrewSnow) July 21, 2015
Zowie! Did Hillary Clinton really call Scott Walker THIS? (May be the worst timed tweet ever) http://t.co/BgbOEmxAO2
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) July 21, 2015
70% of @AFSCME Local 40 union members chose to leave #wiunion after Act 10 #wiright #tcot @RightWisconsin pic.twitter.com/xQxShKfXA8
— Matt Batzel (@MattBatzel) July 21, 2015
It's time to repeal #DoddFrank. These regulations haven't solved the problem. Let's work for small businesses & help the US economy grow.-SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 21, 2015
The @ScottWalker 404 page pic.twitter.com/PkZ5KQs2oy
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) July 21, 2015
PP’s disregard for life is disgusting. We need leaders like @ScottWalker who will stand up for life. #DefundPP pic.twitter.com/OGw2ocEyg6
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) July 21, 2015
.@HillaryClinton attacks me for protecting life after 5 months, but won’t condemn disgusting Planned Parenthood videos. -SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 21, 2015
Repugnant Planned Parenthood videos prove we were right to defund them in WI. RT & Sign if you agree: http://t.co/b9H6tTZSmg -SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 21, 2015
Get inside the mind of the guy running Scott Walker's campaign: http://t.co/xxeSKwadP9
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) July 21, 2015
Scott Walker confronted by illegal alien activist family, handles it LIKE A BOSS http://t.co/x133HuEqHy
— Gregg Keller (@RGreggKeller) July 22, 2015
The 16 Republican candidates for president, in 3 Tiers http://t.co/LQemYKM8kC #TheRun2016 on @usnews
— David Catanese (@davecatanese) July 22, 2015

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