'Upscale racist Halloween costumes': #MetGala outfits not only funny looking, but racist, too?
— Tom Fitzgerald (@FitzFox5DC) May 5, 2015
Freddie Gray's knife did 'violate a Baltimore code'? Problems surface in Marilyn Mosby's case against 6 officers
In her haste, state attorney @MarilynMosbyEsq charges WRONG people for Freddie Gray's death. http://t.co/YzmuUf1kxQ
— David Brehan (@davidbrehan) May 5, 2015
Ex-Baltimore prosecutor: Marilyn Mosby's indictments reflect 'incompetence or an unethical recklessness'
"In the long run, Ms. Mosby may be undermining the cause of justice rather than promoting it." http://t.co/t437k4sS0q via @baltimoresun
— John Rich (@jmrich3223) May 5, 2015
Does the WaPo want Pam Geller to apologize for getting attacked by terrorists? Sure sounds like it…
Probably because they were shot at for trying to exercise their first amendment rights. http://t.co/m4tr7tm8W9
— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) May 5, 2015
Wow: Marc Lamont Hill's take on Garland shooting, free speech is foul (and beyond parody)
Why does @marclamonthill think drawing Mohammed to protest Muslim extremism is hate speech but burning down a local CVS is worthwhile?
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) May 4, 2015
Katie Pavlich: Donald Trump gets it backward, calls Pamela Geller a loud mouthed blowhard
> @realdonaldtrump claims he's a "bigger defender of free speech than Pamela Geller." Prove it and publish a Mohammed cartoon, coward.
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) May 5, 2015
'You just noticed this?' Joe Scarborough's a little late to the PolitiFact party
Is Politifact now a wholly owned subsidiary of Clinton Inc? In digging down deep into footnotes, they are embarrassing themselves alone.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) May 5, 2015
Newsweek: Carly Fiorina already lost one campaign, yet thinks she can win the White House?
@Newsweek Say, didn't Hillary Clinton lose a race, too? I'm sure you'll ask her why she thinks she can be President, too, right? #tcot
— Paul Costello (@pjcostello) May 5, 2015
Mandy 'Liberty Chick' Nagy making progress: 'I can see from her eyes … she is improving'
Pray for Mandy Nagy (Update 5-5-2015: “learns again how to do everyday tasks”) https://t.co/XjlKrHrBc2
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) May 5, 2015
Fellow police, citizens honor fallen NYPD officer with #MooreMatters hashtag; Mets to wear NYPD hats
That smile. This will forever be how I remember my fallen friend. I will miss you always 💙 #MooreMatters #NYPD pic.twitter.com/ygu7dNSXO2
— Lindsay (@Lindsayy_00) May 5, 2015
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