Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


National Review's Jim Geraghty and Radio America's Greg Corombos discuss current events. Today's Martinis: Rand Paul runs for president to defeat the Washington machine, the Russians hack the White House, and more sexism charges from Planet Hillary.

Rand Paul slams media on abortion: Ask Dems if it's okay to kill a 7-pound baby in the womb
And this is no idle tu quoque. The great majority of Americans oppose late-term abortion; the vast majority, maybe a unanimous majority at this point, of Democratic leaders support it without restriction. They are, without exaggeration, absolute fanatics on this subject. And proudly so.
Obama feels no differently. Neither does Nancy Pelosi, who's gone as far as to use the word "sacred" when discussing her feelings on this topic. Paul's response should be a stock answer for any GOP candidate who gets a question on a third-rail social issue going forward: We'll weigh in just as soon as Hillary Clinton does.
Want to know what Marco Rubio thinks about abortion exceptions? No problem - just as soon as Hillary tells us when life begins. Want to hear Ted Cruz's take on gay marriage? He'd be happy to provide it - just as soon as Hillary answers a simple question about how many genders she thinks there are. The wedge question should cut both ways this campaign, whether the media likes it or not.
Also read:

Rand Paul Has Something to Bring to 2016, But Be Wary

MSNBC's Favorite Republican Can't Win

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