Did you see how Ready for Hillary PAC spammed the Grammys?
"Who run the world? Girls." #GRAMMYs pic.twitter.com/YUe3VZKSzk
— Ready for Hillary (@ReadyForHillary) February 9, 2015
.@ReadyForHillary Who "reset" relations with Russia back to the Cold War? Hillary! #GRAMMYs pic.twitter.com/HczMrlLQAc
— American Elephant (@AmericnElephant) February 9, 2015
.@ReadyForHillary Who smears 12 yo rape victims & laughs about getting her rapist off on a technicality? Hillary! http://t.co/up56oH6BEq
— American Elephant (@AmericnElephant) February 9, 2015
Hillary's friends on Wall Street run the world #RunLizRun RT @ReadyForHillary: "Who run the world? Girls." #GRAMMYs pic.twitter.com/JGkJpCDZiD”
— Rick (@StrokesofCandor) February 9, 2015
'Holier-than-thou Hollywood epitomized': Gwyneth Paltrow lectures the Grammys on race, mockery ensues
Gwyneth Paltrow is here to remind us she's friends Beyonce and we're not. #GRAMMYs
— Page Six (@PageSix) February 9, 2015
"We live in complicated times." -- Gwyneth Paltrow, the person I trust the most to explain these things. #NPRGrammys
— Linda Holmes (@nprmonkeysee) February 9, 2015
I didn't understand what racism was until Gwenyth Paltrow weighed in. So okay.
— Andrew Johnston (@_andrewjohnston) February 9, 2015
Gwenyth Paltrow got that dress from the Golden Girls' wardrobe department. I mean that as a compliment, I love the Golden Girls. #GRAMMYs
— Colleen Walsh-Jervis (@colleenwalsh) February 9, 2015
Sequins, bad spray tan, house dress, crazy doll hair=Gwyneth Paltrow @TheGRAMMYs
— Shannon Park (@GothamGoddess) February 9, 2015
Red white and blue close-out to the #Grammys with @GwynethPaltrow pic.twitter.com/F2Nrdo6yYU
— Edward Barsamian (@EdwardBarsamian) February 9, 2015
I knew I saw Gwyneth Paltrow's dress before. #Grammy #Grammy2015 pic.twitter.com/2IC9zVB49l
— Scott Fishman (@smFISHMAN) February 9, 2015
Surprise: Kanye West goes nuts at #EAfterParty over Beyonce's Grammy loss to Beck
I don't care what you said, that Kanye stunt was funny like hell. Even Beck thought it was funny. I think?
— Alexis Grace (@RealAlexisGrace) February 9, 2015
Kanye came very, very close to interrupting Beck winning Best Album of the Year: http://t.co/sPQ6mgeK3j http://t.co/EVHoGZtHDj
— Digg (@digg) February 9, 2015
LMFAOOOO KANYE DID IT AGAIN "Beck needs to respect artistry, and he should have given his award to Beyonce." https://t.co/U7Py9L4T8D
— JAHAN (@H00PINATI) February 9, 2015
Kim looking mortified as Kanye ranted for 5 minutes. Most awkward thing I've seen in a while. #eafterparty pic.twitter.com/PsmYmFfbPW
— Britni (@brit_tweets) February 9, 2015
Kanye's rant got me like #EAfterParty pic.twitter.com/dQTuHOffy5
— Phee (@LARRY_4_LIFE) February 9, 2015
'Another straw man' spotted as Vox's Matt Yglesias praises 'profound' Obama insight
A simple, but profound and important insight from the president http://t.co/t6CTSF8HmZ pic.twitter.com/EbtmwsTx8r
— Matt Yglesias (@mattyglesias) February 9, 2015
@hboulware @mattyglesias I don't remember anyone asking for a military solution to every problem. But we are asking for just solutions.
— Edward Teach (@BlackbeardQAR) February 9, 2015
@hboulware @mattyglesias #obama doesn't have military solutions to any problem *period*. pic.twitter.com/8INQAFE04P
— lovelydayz (@lovelydayz714) February 9, 2015
@mattyglesias Threats from Russia, Iran, Isis and Obama thinks the real threats are Americans on high horses and Republicans. #Foolishness
— emmy wolfe (@emmywolfe) February 9, 2015
'Thought nerds were supposed to be smart': Obama's assessment of Vox invites fact checks
Brainiacs like error-riddled condescension? RT @politico: Obama: Vox ‘for the brainiac-nerd types’ http://t.co/OCs99iM2WA
— RB (@RBPundit) February 9, 2015
I've got a West Bank-Gaza bridge to sell him. RT @mlcalderone Obama calls Vox a site for "brainiac-nerd types”
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) February 9, 2015
There's a word for people who don't know where milk comes from, and it ain't "brainiac-nerd." pic.twitter.com/OiikYBwRWi
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) February 9, 2015
Obama says Vox is for the "brainiac-nerd types." Melissa Harris Perry thinks she's a nerd. I thought nerds were supposed to be smart.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 9, 2015
Shot: Obama says Vox is for the "brainiac-nerd types"
Chaser: http://t.co/a5I8UhUa2o
— CounterMoonbat (@CounterMoonbat) February 9, 2015
"Brainiac" pic.twitter.com/OL8ShOFidb
— CounterMoonbat (@CounterMoonbat) February 9, 2015
'Global warming is rough!' Boston breaks 30-day snowfall record
Amid unprecedented global warming, Boston libs unable to explain "unprecedented snowfall."
http://t.co/n5nEq8jeBt pic.twitter.com/b8KTQBsb0j
— Ed (@LibsHateUs) February 9, 2015
Boston has gotten 62 inches of snow this winter, much more than usual. -- @GayleKing pic.twitter.com/DH5aMV7KFO
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) February 9, 2015
#Boston has now broken its 30-day ALL-time #snow record, w/ a 30 day total of 61.6”; 12.1" from #Marcus & counting. pic.twitter.com/vMDuL5Ernv
— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) February 9, 2015
Baker says ‘unprecedented’ snow is 'shattering’ budgets http://t.co/kyEFzBCeuo pic.twitter.com/BRptLm31zL
— Boston.com (@BostonDotCom) February 9, 2015
What did New England do to deserve this? Huge snowstorm once again wallops region http://t.co/7xWLmrokS5 (AP photo) pic.twitter.com/zJu9eIPLO6
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) February 9, 2015
Those of you in #Boston don't forget to vote democrat so that you can pay more #taxes to stop #globalwarming ! #tcot #UniteBlue #p2 #NBC
— Lafayette (@Massasoit1620) February 9, 2015
Hey..it's one of those #GlobalWarming scientists from a few years ago...
#Chicago #Boston #AGW pic.twitter.com/nlfFUPTJZH
— Texas Bill (@PMgeezer) February 2, 2015
One year ago this week: New York Times headline stoked 'end of snow' fears
one year and two days ago the New York Times ran this piece ( just sayin' ) :)... http://t.co/GCi4zc9JeP
— Fulchino Vineyard (@alfulchino) February 9, 2015
Headline in the @NYTimes, one year ago this week. pic.twitter.com/8NZGahS2G0
— Jeff Jacoby (@Jeff_Jacoby) February 9, 2015
Drudge headline: "PAPER: 'GLOBAL WARMING' BIGGEST SCIENCE SCANDAL EVER" #ADP2015 http://t.co/GKfpWHqgZR pic.twitter.com/J9Yc3DKSOo
— Tom Nelson (@tan123) February 8, 2015
Al Gore, call your office. Tampering with temperature data being called biggest science scandal ever http://t.co/scMINtmVjP #GlobalWarming
— Patrick Madrid (@patrickmadrid) February 8, 2015
'Dying'! Mark Halperin's feelin' pretty good about Dems' fresh-faced 'bench'
@FreeBeacon LOL!
— Pardon me (@rbaumannjr) February 9, 2015
Old. White. Men. RT @ellencarmichael: hahahahahahahahahahaha <breath> hahahahahahahahahaha https://t.co/b9T8Zlt6Ja
— laurakfillault (@laurakfillault) February 9, 2015
@ellencarmichael @FreeBeacon And he actually kept a straight face !
— Dave Weiss (@daveweiss68) February 9, 2015
'I'm done, guys': CNN chyron prompts facepalms, anger from viewers
IMAGE: @CNN SNAFUs continue as lower third labels #Ukraine Army as "PRO-U.S. TROOPS." pic.twitter.com/CryowUIROi
— Military Studies (@ArmedResearch) February 9, 2015
So how exactly do you dare describe people fighting for their own country in Ukraine as "Pro-U.S."? #CNN pic.twitter.com/TLyS34ObgU
— Lauri Tankler (@LauriTankler) February 9, 2015
Garry Kasparov says 'Obama and Merkel sounded delusional' on Ukraine
Supplying Ukraine with arms tops the agenda for the Obama/Merkel talks. Merkel is adamantly opposed. Pres Obama is weighing the option.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) February 9, 2015
@markknoller Nah, he's opposed too, just playing politics as usual. Poor thing must be due for a vacation soon?
— Amy B (@RubyRedVette) February 9, 2015
Merkel's visit will give Obama more excuses to do what he wants to do already: ignore Ukraine. Can say, "must align w our EU allies..."
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) February 9, 2015
Obama & Merkel sounded delusional on Ukraine. Putin is attacking & taking European territory by military force. What diplomatic solution?
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) February 9, 2015
Obama & Merkel have given Putin every incentive to grab as much Ukrainian territory as he can, as fast as he can. No deterrence.
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) February 9, 2015
Until West realizes that what is bad for Russia has little to do with what is bad for Putin & act accordingly, this war will continue.
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) February 9, 2015
The "realists" seem happy to condemn millions of Ukrainians to life as prisoners in occupied territory. In Europe in the 21st century.
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) February 9, 2015
Any comment from Bill Clinton yet? He signed the paper promising Ukraine security for its nuclear arsenal in 1994. He pushed for it.
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) February 9, 2015
@Kasparov63 last time a Clinton got involved with Russia we got #перегрузка pic.twitter.com/u3TDRv2bju
— Sergey Ivaschuck (@ivaschuck) February 9, 2015
#GamerGate lampoons the Orwellian nature of social justice warriors
Remember, folks…
cc: @AdamBaldwin, @monsterhunter45, @ProfessorF
. pic.twitter.com/7ieHSDPGR1
— Daddy Warpig (@Daddy_Warpig) February 9, 2015
@Daddy_Warpig @monsterhunter45 @ProfessorF pic.twitter.com/eGFVu9VA4i
— Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) February 9, 2015
#BossyMonica trends as friends mourn loss of patriot @LeMarquand
One more thing..a great woman and patriot passed away yesterday. She was a twitter star and now a star in the heavens. #TheFive #BossyMonica
— Teresa Α Ω (@BlackIrishI) February 9, 2015
To All of Monica's Followers:
Her family like you to know that she passed away today. Her followers meant the world to her. 2-8-15
— BOSSY MONICA (@LeMarquand) February 8, 2015
Our friend @LeMarquand is being remembered, please help #BossyMonica trend! She had almost 70,000 friends so we got this, right Patriots?!
— Chuck Nellis (@ChuckNellis) February 9, 2015
Let's make #BossyMonica trend in memory of a true patriot who loved the US and our freedoms that are under assault. pic.twitter.com/1FTEl3U1gR
— Daniel John Sobieski (@gerfingerpoken2) February 9, 2015
Dear friend @LeMarquand passed and #BossyMonica is trending on Twitter. Fitting tribute to a smart, lovely patriot. pic.twitter.com/5v9sli6Qbp
— ★♥ Harriet Baldwin (@HarrietBaldwin) February 10, 2015
#BossyMonica Trending at #3 is amazing! I'm sure she is pleased that so many of her followers care!
— M.E./ #TeamIsrael (@XDeimos) February 10, 2015
Love and prayers to the family of #BossyMonica. We will continue to stand up for America in her memory. #AmericaTheBeautiful @LeMarquand
— Nurse Patriot (@LANURSE1) February 10, 2015
It's so nice to see #BossyMonica's name trending. Such sad news, may she rest in peace. She will be greatly missed by her twitter friends!
— †Be The Lightن (@AwakeDeborah) February 10, 2015
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