Southern Shockwave: Mary Landrieu Blames Obama's Unpopularity on Racism
In comments sure to cascade into regional races across the South, embattled Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) told NBC's Chuck Todd on Thursday that Southern racism is to blame for President Barack Obama's unpopularity.
"Why does President Obama have a hard time in Louisiana?" asked Todd.
"Let me be very, very honest with you," said Landrieu. "The South has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans. It's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader."
Landrieu added: "It has not always been a good place for women, to be able to present ourselves. It's more of a conservative place. So we've had to work a little bit harder on that. But, you know, the people trust me, I believe. Really, they do."
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal blasted Landrieu's comments as desperate and out of touch.
"She appears to be living in a different century. Implied in her comments is the clear suggestion that President Obama and his policies are unpopular in Louisiana because of his ethnicity," said Jindal. "That is a major insult by Senator Landrieu to the people of Louisiana, and I flatly reject it."
Landrieu's controversial remarks threaten to spill over into other Southern races, further placing already vulnerable Democrats in the uncomfortable position of having to defend or reject Landrieu's statements. Democrats who reject Landrieu's comments risk alienating black voters. Those who agree with Landrieu risk alienating white voters...Also read:
Report: Feds Spent $20 Billion On Secret 'Micropurchases'
Don't Count on Lower Turnout In a Louisiana Runoff

I just came across your blog while looking for political cartoons about Mary Landrieu. I used the above image for tomorrow's post (8 Dec 14), on my "Station WTFO" blog. I love the look of your blog and the images you use. I'll try to be a regular visitor. Keep up the good work!