Disrupting the Narrative of the New Left, its allies in Academia, Hollywood and the Establishment Media, and examining with honesty the goals of cultural Marxism and the dangers of reactionary and abusive political correctness.
“Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.” -George Orwell
Friday, October 31, 2014
Nate Silver: GOP chances at controlling the Senate at 68.5%, 'their highest figure of the year'
Not going to tell you if I just got up or worked all night, but here's my take on where the Senate race stands: http://t.co/BK4mUMLpQM
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) October 31, 2014
President Obama self-quarantines, will avoid contact with candidates Monday and Tuesday
@joshledermanAP @IsaacDovere because no one else wants to be seen with him. WH has no one else on list. Pretty dismal situation for him
— Carol McIlwain (@carolfoxlover) October 31, 2014
When election season and Halloween combine to form one, awesome hashtag: #DemocratHorrorMovies
#DemocratHorrorMovies How about an actual clip from an actual movie? —> http://t.co/SYDjGvuLCY
— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) October 31, 2014
Katie Pavlich: Media trusts this administration over Sharyl Attkisson's hacking claims?
@KatiePavlich Shows you how deeply committed their ideology and bias is. They will die before giving it- and him- up.
— pepeman (@pepeman) October 31, 2014
'WOWZA'! Are you ready for Andrea Tantaros' FNC Halloween flashback?
Flashback: Halloween 2011... with @kimguilfoyle and @ainsleyearhardt pic.twitter.com/s6km5bfMEI
— Andrea Tantaros (@AndreaTantaros) October 31, 2014
NYT: Rape victim who testified against Bloomberg-backed gun control guilty of 'scare mongering'
Why is @fstonenyt trying to shame @notkimco for being an advocate for self defense?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) October 30, 2014
'Be there in 10': Here's why Monica Crowley wants to trick-or-treat at Pat Sajak's house
Brie? I'll be there in 10 mins. RT @patsajak If 1 more ungrateful trick-or-treater complains about the baked brie, I’m turning off lights...
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) October 31, 2014
'Who is we?' Obama says being a stay-at-home mom 'not a choice we want Americans to make'
Wow. Obama disses stay at home moms. "That’s not a choice we want Americans to make." http://t.co/QohcSEmXr6
— Conn Carroll (@conncarroll) October 31, 2014
Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi released from Mexican prison at last; Prosecution dropped; Update: Back on U.S. soil
Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi Ordered Released from Mexico! Praise the Lord!
— Rep. Jeff Duncan (@RepJeffDuncan) November 1, 2014
#BREAKING: Mexican judge orders the immediate release of jailed US Marine Andrew Tahmooressi, family spokesman says. pic.twitter.com/Y9oI7kRlAn
— 10News (@10News) November 1, 2014
Sgt. Tahmooressi freed; 'Obama to release selfie of Obama looking at the Mexican border'
Obama said NOT ONE WORD about Marine Sgt. Tahmooressi's incarceration.
If he dares comment AFTER the release... I swear I'm gonna lose it.
— COGoddess ™ (@coloradorebecca) November 1, 2014

National Review's Jim Geraghty joins Greg Corombos to discuss the day's events. Today's topics: Mary Landrieu says Dems are unpopular in Louisiana because of sexism and racism, Lindsay Graham has a cringe-inducing prediction for his possible presidency, and Homeland Security employees put $30,000 worth of Starbucks on government credit cards (that you're paying for).
Southern Shockwave: Mary Landrieu Blames Obama's Unpopularity on Racism
Report: Feds Spent $20 Billion On Secret 'Micropurchases'
Don't Count on Lower Turnout In a Louisiana Runoff
Southern Shockwave: Mary Landrieu Blames Obama's Unpopularity on Racism
In comments sure to cascade into regional races across the South, embattled Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) told NBC's Chuck Todd on Thursday that Southern racism is to blame for President Barack Obama's unpopularity.
"Why does President Obama have a hard time in Louisiana?" asked Todd.
"Let me be very, very honest with you," said Landrieu. "The South has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans. It's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader."
Landrieu added: "It has not always been a good place for women, to be able to present ourselves. It's more of a conservative place. So we've had to work a little bit harder on that. But, you know, the people trust me, I believe. Really, they do."
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal blasted Landrieu's comments as desperate and out of touch.
"She appears to be living in a different century. Implied in her comments is the clear suggestion that President Obama and his policies are unpopular in Louisiana because of his ethnicity," said Jindal. "That is a major insult by Senator Landrieu to the people of Louisiana, and I flatly reject it."
Landrieu's controversial remarks threaten to spill over into other Southern races, further placing already vulnerable Democrats in the uncomfortable position of having to defend or reject Landrieu's statements. Democrats who reject Landrieu's comments risk alienating black voters. Those who agree with Landrieu risk alienating white voters...Also read:
Report: Feds Spent $20 Billion On Secret 'Micropurchases'
Don't Count on Lower Turnout In a Louisiana Runoff

Former Trek President Confirms Mary Burke Fired by Her Family
'Hope and Change' give way to Fear and Loathing
A Referendum on Competence
Why it's time for Libertarians to Vote for Republicans
Russian Arms Sales to Syria, Iran Add to Middle East Instability
Welcome to Berlin, 1937
Houston Has No Legal Right to Demand Sermons
Houston's Sermon Subpoenas Represent a Legal Opportunity for Religious Liberty Advocates
Governors in Sheep's Clothing Deceiving Parents about Common Core
Sorry, we will not all be having sex with robots in the future

Dan Bongino is 'tired of this war on women crap'
I'm tired of this war on women crap. https://t.co/lF4nI3mY8K #WarOnWomen
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) October 30, 2014
Anyone smart enough to see beyond identity politics and gives a damn about America is tired of it too @dbongino #MakeDCListen #CutTheCrap
— Josey Cogburn (@amcap76) October 30, 2014
The Mary Burke firing story is worse than you think; Check out the brutal truth it proves
WISCONSIN: Mary Burke’s Old Boss: “To say it bluntly, she was fired.” From the family busi... http://t.co/xuG8XPjBWJ via @instapundit
— Instapundit.com (@instapundit) October 30, 2014
"I'm not saying she was incompetent...maybe this job was too big for her.."
And being governor of Wisconsin isn't?
— Blue Shift Blog (@BlueShiftBlog) October 29, 2014
@BlueShiftBlog THAT quote is gonna leave a mark
— DC Dude (@DCDude1776) October 29, 2014
It takes just two (buried) generic ballot polls to prove CBS' Dem lapdoggery; It's enraging
#CBS poll shows #GOP wave in senate almost as staunch as 2010. SO they buried it. Not reported. http://t.co/185G8yyvyA #teaparty #teaparty
— ΜΟΛΟΝ ΛΑΒΕ (@ConRendezvous) October 24, 2014
CBS poll: Among LVs, Republicans lead on the generic ballot 50-42%, a greater margin than on the eve of 2010 election http://t.co/sUVZpbQeQS
— Brandon (@Brand_Allen) October 29, 2014
CBS has GOP up more than in 2010, so they lead saying voters believe "It makes no real difference which party controls Congress." Of course.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) October 29, 2014
Bias? What bias?
CBS in 2006: Poll: Dems Carry Big Pre-Election Lead
CBS in 2014: What Americans think of Congress and the President
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) October 30, 2014
Forget catcalls: Check out Amelia Hamilton's reaction to a guy smiling at her
@AmeliaHammy Pretty good article. For a girl.
— jon gabriel (@exjon) October 30, 2014
Guy at the grocery store smiled at me. I screamed "misogyny" and punched him in the face.
— Amelia (@AmeliaHammy) October 30, 2014
@AmeliaHammy @TheRobDyke I hope you knocked out his teeth so he will never be able to hurt someone like that again!!
— Watson (@scottscttwtsn) October 30, 2014
@AmeliaHammy I'm just pleased to hear you skipped the rape whistle and went right to violence.
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) October 30, 2014
@lachlan I once waved to @AmeliaHammy when we were on the same flight. Took me days to get out of TSA lockup when we landed.
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) October 30, 2014
❤️❤️ RT @lachlan: @EdMorrissey @AmeliaHammy pic.twitter.com/n7BN7qy18k
— Amelia (@AmeliaHammy) October 30, 2014
'He's projecting again': Markos Moulitsas uses Tim Cook's homosexuality to smear GOP
Apple CEO Tim Cook announces he's gay. http://t.co/Kj2ZOfYkXF pic.twitter.com/ajFmqfThOZ
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) October 30, 2014
Russian Official Says Apple CEO Should Be Banned From Russia After Saying He Is Gay http://t.co/pLGtSRFxqD GOPers applaud
— Markos Moulitsas (@markos) October 30, 2014
Evidence of this?
Of course not, you tool.
— Martini Shark (@MartiniShark) October 30, 2014
.@markos You said it, now provide evidence. Who applauded? When? Where? What specifically did they applaud? pic.twitter.com/o7VZ0Fz1HT
— Ross Pollack (@Ross_Pollack) October 30, 2014
He asked the Cartoon conservative chorus in his head. His own prejudice got reflected back. @physicsgeek @RBPundit @markos
— darthlevin ن (@darthlevin) October 30, 2014
DNC's painfully lame #GOPTrickOrTreat stand-up routine heckled with truth-snark
Tomorrow is Halloween, so we’ve been thinking about what trick or treating at the GOP's house would be like. Follow along: #GOPTrickOrTreat
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) October 30, 2014
Pro tip: Trick or treat early at a Republican's house. They like to shut things down #GOPTrickOrTreat pic.twitter.com/aqaLb5UP4A
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) October 30, 2014
A reminder from the GOP: Don't go trick or treating without this: #GOPTrickOrTreat pic.twitter.com/BC4kC0Li2J
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) October 30, 2014
.@thedemocrats thanks for the tip! Don't forget your voter ID cards: pic.twitter.com/xTyZ64eRRf
— Michael Deppisch (@deppisch) October 30, 2014
@TheDemocrats Everybody loves vampires. Hey Democrats, this fell out of your pocket. pic.twitter.com/VMqMh3VEjz
— DCinAZ (@DCinAZ) October 30, 2014
@exjon @TheDemocrats They stole them from someone. I saw this after the election two years ago. pic.twitter.com/febsa9QHMO
— Chase D. Troutner (@Captain_Strongo) October 30, 2014
By means of superficial analysis, we've uncovered the barely hidden message behind the latest ploy by @TheDemocrats pic.twitter.com/mmqu3ni8lk
— D.W.Robinson (@_DWRobinson) October 30, 2014
@_DWRobinson @TheDemocrats "Come and get your Democrat candy, kids!" pic.twitter.com/NgeVqiqVPR
— Dan (@Apocalypse451) October 30, 2014
'The patriarchy strikes?' WH misleads on #EqualPay — again
Considering this is due to choices women make, etc. Congress really can't do anything about this. https://t.co/jOgyaEiv5i @WhiteHouse
— RB (@RBPundit) October 30, 2014
.@WhiteHouse It's time for Democrats to look up "data integrity" #EqualPay
— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) October 30, 2014
Gov. Bobby Jindal blasts Sen. Mary Landrieu for 'throwing entire state under bus' as racist, sexist
Senator Landrieu’s comments are remarkably divisive. She appears to be living in a different century. http://t.co/PIeMbw4paS
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) October 30, 2014
Her comments clearly imply that President Obama and his policies are unpopular in Louisiana because of his ethnicity. http://t.co/PIeMbw4paS
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) October 30, 2014
That is a major insult by Senator Landrieu to the people of Louisiana and I flatly reject it. http://t.co/PIeMbw4paS
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) October 30, 2014
Obama’s policies, which Mary supports, are unpopular here, and the other 49 states, because they are ill advised, liberal, and don't work.
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) October 30, 2014
His administration has also proven to be incompetent. Trying to blame it on race is ridiculous. http://t.co/PIeMbw4paS
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) October 30, 2014
@BobbyJindal @instapundit she's desperate now. Only card she has left to play...
— smithy smithee (@smithysmithee) October 30, 2014
@BobbyJindal @instapundit Throws her entire state under the bus.
— DCinAZ (@DCinAZ) October 30, 2014
Now it's mammograms at risk? Hillary Clinton is sounding desperate in Iowa
Hillary said that Joni Ernst would do away with mammograms if she is elected to office. That has got to be the lowest of lows.
— Master Chief Mike (@MCPO_Mike_USN) October 30, 2014
Attention Iowa: Hillary Clinton warns @joniernst will take away mammograms. Don't buy it. You are the Hawkeye State not the Hawk Lie State
— Bryan R.. (@youthpastorbry) October 30, 2014
Hillary told #IAsen rally that if @joniernst "gets her way", women will lose access to mammograms. Real life. Real, out of this world lies.
— Katie Poedtke (@kpoedtke) October 30, 2014
'5 million women just melted': Want a peek at John Stamos' Halloween costume?
My Halloween costume this year. #lazycostume pic.twitter.com/IzGR4tZerQ
— John Stamos (@JohnStamos) October 30, 2014
@JohnStamos have mercy!!
— Esther (@Aristea64) October 30, 2014
@JohnStamos PERFECT!!!😍
— V (@vsantoyoh) October 30, 2014
@JohnStamos Come trick or treating at my place. I'd pour some sugar on you...😍
— Samantha Eck (@theSamEck) October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014
RT @JimandMickey: Congratulations to @JasonDibler & @BeccaJLower for winning our Dating Horror Story Contest! https://t.co/GwWb4vw2IE #TJAMS
— BiasedGirl (@BiasedGirl) October 31, 2014
In this week's EWTN The World Over, Raymond Arroyo reviews the headline news of the week, plus:
Raymond is joined by Dr. Timothy Flanigan, a physician currently volunteering in Liberia and Dr. Mark Abruzzese, an infectious disease specialist in Washington, DC, to discuss the current state of the Ebola epidemic in Western Africa as well as efforts to contain the spread of the virus both there and in the United States.
Jennifer Fulwiler, Catholic blogger and author of the new memoir, Something Other Than God: How I Passionately Sought Happiness and Accidentally Found, about her journey from atheism to faith.
Kate DiCamillo, Newberry Medal winning children's author, talks to Raymond about the importance of reading and storytelling in a child's development, her life and career in children's literature and her latest story, Leroy Ninker Saddles Up from Candlewick Press.

EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
Vatican astronomer yawns at frenzy over Pope's Big Bang words
Will Pope's Defense of Faith at Synod Ease Anxious Minds?
Cardinal Burke: Neither Bishops nor Pope can Change Christ's Teaching on Marriage
Evil, Jihadists, and the Just War Theory
Do Catholic Voters have "Non-Negotiable" Issues?
Next Tuesday, We Don't Get to Not Vote
5 Minute Review: The U.S. Bishops On Voting
RNS Blogger Mark Silk 'Inventing Own Reality,' Says Philly Archdiocese
Bishop Burbidge: Families Need Contact With the Consecrated Life
Islam Minus Muhammed?

National Review's Andrew Johnson joins host Jim Geraghty to discuss current events. Today's topics: Hispanics could not care less about keeping the Democrats in control of Congress, a lawsuit alleges La Raza is helping illegal aliens vote, and why exactly Mary Burke got fired by her family business.
Texas Isn't Turning Purple. What Happened?
Latinos Turn Away from Democrats But Few are 'Angry' over Immigration Reform Delay
Conservative Hispanic Group Attacks Dems On ObamaCare
Texas Isn't Turning Purple. What Happened?
It's early October, right before the start of early voting in Texas's elections. Rosales, Pena, and a few dozen other people who'd grudgingly shown up to support Carlos Cascos, a Cameron County judge who'd recently been winning elections as a Republican. The county, which runs along the Mexican border to the Gulf, is nearly 90 percent Hispanic. In the 2012 election, Barack Obama won it by 31 points. But when I ask him what he thinks of the president, Pena sounds like this year's ever-growing posse of squirming Democratic Senate candidates.
"Obama 2008 or Obama now?" he says with a laugh. "Man, don't get me started on that." He switches the subject to Hillary Clinton, whom he'd be happy to support, because she's always seemed competent. Over plates of brisket and tortillas, Rosales tries to convince Pena that Clinton's past her prime. They finally reach an accord on the upcoming gubernatorial race between Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott and Democratic State Sen. Wendy Davis.
"All I know about Davis is that she made that stand in the Capitol," says Pena. He shrugs. "That got my interest, I guess."
Neither is excited about that Democrat. They're intrigued by Abbott. At a table nearby, Cascos is showing off photos of the pachanga he held this year, the one where Abbott showed up and stayed late. "Ninety percent of the people there were Democrats," says Cascos, "but they see themselves as independents, and Abbott reached out to them."
This was not supposed to happen in Texas - not this year, not to Wendy Davis. Twenty-one months after Obama campaign veterans launched Battleground Texas, on the theory that a majority-minority state could become competitive for Democrats, Davis is running far behind Abbott. A University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll released this week found Davis trailing Abbott by 16 points. Among Hispanic voters, the race was almost tied: 48 for Davis, 46 for the Republican.
Davis had risen to national prominence with an epic, and briefly successful, filibuster of an abortion restriction bill. Republicans had numbers, including a 2013 Wilson Perkins Allen survey that found Latinos in the states identifying strongly as "pro-life," by a 2-1 margin. When he traveled to the valley, Abbott started reminding voters that he, too, was "pro-life and Catholic." According to strategist Dave Carney, a veteran of Perry's campaigns, the brain trust looked at the lost Davis counties and identified more than 1 million Hispanic voters who might be receptive to a social, economic conservative message.
Since the primary in March, Abbott has spent seven days in the Rio Grande Valley, with three visits alone to the small sprawl town of Edinburg. Abbott's three valley organizers are triple the number that Rick Perry dispatched for his winning campaigns. Drivers who crane their necks from the highway have been seeing billboards that feature Abbott and his Latino wife, Cecilia - "Nosotros con Abbott" - or the candidate and his Latino mother-in-law. "I love having Greg Abbott as my son-in-law," she says in one ad, as Abbott beams at her. "Texas will love having him as Governor."Also read:
Latinos Turn Away from Democrats But Few are 'Angry' over Immigration Reform Delay
Conservative Hispanic Group Attacks Dems On ObamaCare

Wow: Scott Walker opens up seven point lead among likely voters in final Marquette poll
Damage Control: Burke now claims she was "downsized" by her family-owned Trek Bicycle Corp...
Kay Hagan's corporatism and cronyism enriches her campaign, family
That Other Republican Wave: House GOP Looking Good
In two New York districts, two trouncings to warm your heart
When Leftist Race Hatred Meets Islamism
Senators Eye Asset Forfeiture Reform
Why Singles Rights And Same-Sex Marriage Will Abolish All Marriage
Media Distort Catholic View on Evolution, Paint Pope Francis as Revolutionary
Lena Dunham's Pathetic Privilege

That awkward moment when Salon calls TIME an 'embarrassing troll,' is crushed with ONE photo
Pot trolls kettle “@Salon: Time magazine is just an embarrassing Internet troll now http://t.co/MmNUWswoj9”
— The Right Wing M (@TheRightWingM) October 29, 2014
Shot: https://t.co/D0clMPWKvW
Chaser: https://t.co/h7dWyAKrPf
— CounterMoonbat (@CounterMoonbat) October 29, 2014
“Yeah!" - @voxdotcom
"You tell 'em!" - @Slate
RT @Salon: Time magazine is just an embarrassing Internet troll now http://t.co/jIIUk9ilzP
— William J. Miller (@WilliamJMiller) October 29, 2014
Eureka! 'Intervention' needed, but does THIS explain Wendy Davis' 'crazy'?
Someone needs to stage an intervention with Wendy Davis. Seriously. Batsh*t crazy doesn't quite cover it. #txlege #txgov
— Stacey-SisterToldjah (@sistertoldjah) October 29, 2014
@sistertoldjah It does if your real endgame is an MSNBC hosting gig.
— Dan Zimmerman (@STLconservative) October 29, 2014
@sistertoldjah We're just back from a six day vacation to Austin - San Antonio - Sugar Land.
#WendyDavis is a statewide joke.
#txgov #txlege
— Tom (@BoreGuru) October 29, 2014
@sistertoldjah Her intervention happens next week.
— Peter Costas (@pcostas01) October 29, 2014
'That's so science!' Obama's Ebola presser features the 'perfect prop'
Oh look. Obama is meeting with doctors. You know they're real doctors because they're wearing lab coats.
— Mister H (@ATHudd) October 29, 2014
Well, clearly those people at this WH presser know science. Look at their lab coats! That’s so science!
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) October 29, 2014
"Put lab coats on the guys in the front!" - White House set designer pic.twitter.com/5Hi7VVYQi4
— Trey Tagliaferri (@ALostSpaceman) October 29, 2014
BREAKING - @BarackObama addresses nation from Muppet Laboratories pic.twitter.com/gwMbJyWm6y
— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) October 29, 2014
I bet it was hell trying to keep Joe Biden from grabbing one of the lab coats and standing behind Obama during the press conference.
— Matthew (@Matthops82) October 29, 2014
I like how Obama's Ebola prop people are wearing lab coats OVER suits. #whodoesthat
— Angela (@Bear2theRight) October 29, 2014
@ChrisBarnhart The non-fitting lab coats, straight out of a box are a nice touch. Doesn't the WH have an iron? @BarackObama
— Lady Jaye (@TheLadyJaye) October 29, 2014
Don’t worry, folks. We’re in the best of hands. pic.twitter.com/SYMlXMFxuA
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) October 29, 2014
Is Eric Holder's 'biggest regret' supposed to make James Rosen feel better?
Eric Holder tells #IdeasForum that his biggest regret as AG was how he handled subpoena of @FoxNews correspondent @JamesRosenFNC.
— Paula Reid (@PaulaReidCBS) October 29, 2014
This is Attorney General Holder's answer to what 1 decision he'd like to do over. cc: @JamesRosenFNC pic.twitter.com/02jeAfvRkD
— Oblivier Knox (@OKnox) October 29, 2014
@OKnox @ZekeJMiller @JamesRosenFNC In other words,keep the media out of the loop and damn I wish I had done a better job going after #rosen
— penny green (@penne59) October 29, 2014
'Outclassed him AGAIN!' James Rosen responds to Eric Holder's 'biggest regret'
My response to Attorney General Holder's comments: http://t.co/DCGYP06iRl
— James Rosen (@JamesRosenFNC) October 29, 2014
The @FoxNews story on Attorney General Holder's comments: http://t.co/a6zUuMMVAE
— James Rosen (@JamesRosenFNC) October 29, 2014
@JamesRosenFNC was hoping for a gif of you giving him the finger. You're classier than I am.
— Dennis Walker (@DennisWalkerJr) October 29, 2014
@JamesRosenFNC Well done, you.
— Lourae (@Flaaaaalala) October 29, 2014
@JamesRosenFNC Your professional conduct throughout this 'sordid' affair speaks volumes! Keep up the great work!!
— Garrison Baker (@garrisonbaker) October 29, 2014
'OK, that's clever': These won't help Alison Grimes distance herself from Obama
Hitting mailboxes across Kentucky. Grimes=Obama #kysen https://t.co/sATTwpgSrE
— John Ashbrook (@AshbrookJ) October 29, 2014
'Sold!' Here is the absurd Donna Brazile inadvertently offering great ad for GOP; It's mock-tastic
Republicans only discuss their plans in the vaguest possible form. So far, they’re pro-American, anti-Obama, and that’s about it.
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) October 29, 2014
@donnabrazile What else is there besides being pro-American and anti-Obama? That's a perfect campaign message, IMO.
— Miss B (@robinbmurphy) October 29, 2014
Donna Brazille: GOPers are pro-American and anti-Obama. Really? So am I! Sign me up! https://t.co/Kmk6ilIVAt
— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) October 29, 2014
If you thought the NARAL 'Sweet Pea' radio ad on Cory Gardner was bad, wait until you see the TV version!
NARAL, Planned Parenthood & co have so overplayed their hand in Colorado it's not even funny. Congrats Sen. Gardner. https://t.co/Zvf9Nouksf
— Jimmy (@JimmyPrinceton) October 29, 2014
This NARAL ad claiming Cory Gardner will cause a condom shortage is even more comedic than I thought: http://t.co/y9xN9KuLLR
— Andrew Johnson (@AndrewE_Johnson) October 29, 2014
First Cory Gardner came for the birth control, and I said nothing http://t.co/IycpACBURa
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) October 29, 2014
Congratulations to NARAL. It just bumped Wendy Davis for the dumbest campaign ad of the year. http://t.co/NO6RY5psLl
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 29, 2014
"What's our proof Cory Gardner will ban birth control? Just puzzle it out, Princess." --@NARAL
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) October 29, 2014
Did climate crony Tom Steyer pay for NARAL's bogus anti-Gardner ad?
It looks like Tom Steyer's climate change PAC paid for that terrible anti-Cory Gardner ad in Colorado. http://t.co/H2Bt7qeY2z
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 29, 2014
So Tom Steyer, who really wanted to make climate change an election issue, is accusing GOP of wanting to ban condoms. http://t.co/45uLinxzPD
— Andrew Stiles (@AndrewStilesUSA) October 29, 2014
Condom shortages? A new stretch in political ads http://t.co/xuHpKWY2Ha #COelections
— 9NEWS Denver (@9NEWS) October 29, 2014
@9NEWS paid for by liberal billionaire Tom Steyer http://t.co/vpqmTgUBAA
— Brooding LarkBunting (@BroodingLark) October 29, 2014
So @TomSteyer, was the condoms ad your own stupid idea or were you ripped off by one of your consultants???
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) October 29, 2014
Climate scientists now suffering 'pre-traumatic stress disorder'
Some climate scientists afflicted by "pre-traumatic stress disorder" b/c no one takes their research seriously.
— Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) October 29, 2014
@RyanMaue caring so much about something out of your control generally causes psychosis. most zealot climatologists have pysch issues
— KW (@kenzboard) October 29, 2014
Like research claiming NYC would be underwater in 2008, scientists are now inventing DSM disorders, like "pre-traumatic stress disorder"
— Mugsy (@Mugsy4Fly) October 30, 2014
@CuffyMeh The technical term is "butt hurt".
— A Raised Eyebrow (@ARaised_Eyebrow) October 30, 2014

Greg welcomes guests Gov. Gary Johnson and Liz MacDonald.
Obama Says He's "Frustrated" By People Who Dare To Criticize His Ebola Response
A visibly agitated President Obama on Wednesday ripped into critics of the U.S. response to the Ebola virus, insisting that his administration was leading the charge to "snuff out" the deadly disease.
"When I hear people talking about American leadership and then are promoting policies that would avoid leadership … [and have us] hiding under the covers, it makes me a little frustrated," the president said, joined by healthcare workers who treated the disease in West Africa, including American Ebola survivor Dr. Kent Brantly.
With less than a week to the midterms, the president is making public remarks almost daily in an attempt to fend off charges that his administration was caught flat-footed by a virus that has traveled from West Africa to the United States.
Governors implementing Ebola policies that contradict the president's blueprint, however, are undermining the White House's message.Also read: Democrats Walk Out on Another Obama Campaign Stump Speech

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
Pope Francis Offers Vigorous Defense of Sacramental Marriage
The Pope's Latest "Revolutionary" Bombshell
Life is cheaper than salt: a Nigerian bishop facing Boko Haram
Sex and the Synod: What Women Want
A Millennial's Perspective on Pope Francis and the Church
Does the Church Favor Capitalism and Democracy?
On God's Responsibility for Atheism
Are an atheist journalist's papal interviews reliable?
What is Culture War?
Who's Afraid of All Hallows' Eve?

National Review's Andrew Johnson joins Greg Corombos. Today's topics: Millennials sour on Obama and the Dems, the State Department wants to bring Ebola-infected doctors to the U.S., and a ridiculous NARAL ad attacks Colorado GOP Senate hopeful Cory Gardner.
The unintentionally funny "Cory Gardner's going to cause a condom shortage" NARAL attack ad
Harvard Millennial Poll Spells Doom for Democrats
If you thought the NARAL 'Sweet Pea' radio ad on Cory Gardner was bad, wait until you see the TV version!
The unintentionally funny "Cory Gardner's going to cause a condom shortage" NARAL attack ad
An instant classic via the Federalist and a concise demonstration of what the Denver Post had in mind when it endorsed Gardner a few weeks ago, dismissing Mark "Uterus" Udall's incessant war-on-women messaging in Colorado as an "obnoxious one-issue campaign [and] an insult to those he seeks to convince." Here's NARAL backing Udall up with the stupidest ad of the campaign, in which a guy who — famously — backs making birth control available over the counter somehow becomes the grim reaper of prophylactics, singlehandedly banning the pill and triggering a run on condoms coast to coast.
I'm surprised that NARAL thinks he'd leave condoms alone; if the GOP's goal, as more excitable feminists assure themselves, is to keep women pregnant and out of the work force, it makes no sense to leave condoms on the shelves after the pill has disappeared. Maybe NARAL figured that a simple double-standard critique was more effective. Sure, Cory will allow birth control for men, but not for women. Apart from the freely available OTC birth control for women that he supports, I mean.
Listening to the ad, John McCormack had an image of Gardner as the Hamburglar, going house to house to pilfer women's pills when they weren't looking. What really cinches this as a classic, though, is this line, the funniest inadvertent self-parody of progressive attitudes since Pajama Boy:
Climate change that everyone knows is weirding our weather, Cory flat-out denies it. Sweet Pea, Cory denies science!Mentioning "science" to flatter progressives that they're the last bulwark against a new Dark Age along with the vague, ridiculous term "weirding the weather" feels like a goof on the sort of lefty who gushes loudly and regularly about science to advertise his intellect but isn't real hung up on the details. (See, e.g., the Neil deGrasse Tyson fanboys.) Why can't Cory see the weirding, Sweet Pea? Does he hate books 'n stuff?
Exit question: Odd that a group that's all about "empowering" women would feature a man explaining politics and current events to his ignorant girlfriend, no?Also read:
Harvard Millennial Poll Spells Doom for Democrats
If you thought the NARAL 'Sweet Pea' radio ad on Cory Gardner was bad, wait until you see the TV version!

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