New Congressional Bill Unveiled to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business
If Planned Parenthood Closes on the "Day Without A Woman" Strike, 887 Babies Won't be Aborted...
...Planned Parenthood Won't Stop Killing Babies in Abortions on the "Day Without a Woman" Strike
Average Planned Parenthood Abortion Business CEO Makes $237,999
George Soros Has Given $21 Million to Planned Parenthood and $246 Million to Pro-Abortion Groups
Abortionist Sifted Through Dismembered Aborted Baby: "Now Where's Your Little Arm?"
Gloria Steinem: "Women's Lives" Matter More Than the "Right to Life of the Fetus"
United Nations Committee Demands Ireland Legalize Abortion
Why Does the Oldest Catholic College in the U.S. Have a Pro-Abortion Club?
New Mexico Archbishop: Can't be Catholic and Pro-Abortion

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