ICYMI: The Plot to Change Catholicism
The Pope's Perilous Course
Fr. James Martin's sour grapes about the Synod
Heretic-Hunting In Context
Thumbsucker code: Does 'dialogue with a priest' equal Catholics going to Confession?
Grateful to be inspired by the apostles, we honour today St Simon and St Jude. Pray for us. pic.twitter.com/fwskl6DNqv
— Fr. Patrick Brennan (@Pathound) October 28, 2015
I like the fact that the Church twins St Simon, embodiment of zeal, with St Jude, associated with lost or desperate causes. #SimonandJude
— Sr CatherineWybourne (@Digitalnun) October 28, 2015
Simon and Jude, at the back of the basilica, have candles and flowers for their feast day today. Pray for us! pic.twitter.com/LwcfyoNsex
— Charles, OFM Cap. (@FrCharles) October 28, 2015
May St. Simon and St. Jude help us to rediscover the beauty of the Christian faith #feastday #prayforus pic.twitter.com/EBboQv6Eta
— Archdiocese of TO (@archtoronto) October 28, 2015
Build yourselves up in your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in the love of God and wait... https://t.co/VbtIRf5qrX
— Diana von Glahn (@DianavonGlahn) October 28, 2015
Bronze statuette of St Jude Thaddeus from the baldachino in the Franciscan church of St Sepulchre in Washington DC
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) October 28, 2015
St Simon the Zealot, apostle, holds the saw, a symbol of his martyrdom: may he and St Jude pray for us!
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) October 28, 2015
Saints Simon and Jude, apostles who proclaimed the Gospel to all nations, pray for us. #FeastDay
— Bishop Paul Loverde (@Bishop_Loverde) October 28, 2015
On the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, we pray for the grace to imitate their courage, faithfulness and missionary zeal.
— Bishop Burbidge (@BishopBurbidge) October 28, 2015
Why do we worry? Be witnesses of Jesus Christ and He will take care of the rest #HomilyTweet pic.twitter.com/vlV5mjjxcO
— Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) October 28, 2015
By your trusting acceptance of trials, you will gain true life. #midafternoonprayer pic.twitter.com/laD207jNXA
— Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) October 28, 2015
Left-Wing Pharisees in the Catholic Church
The View From "Catholic" Schools
Faithful Catholic teachers feel 'intimidated' in Ireland's "Catholic" schools
Simon, Jude, and How to Disappear Into the Church's Mission
Today's Mass Readings

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