Disrupting the Narrative of the New Left, its allies in Academia, Hollywood and the Establishment Media, and examining with honesty the goals of cultural Marxism and the dangers of reactionary and abusive political correctness.
“Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.” -George Orwell
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
On Redefining Reality: A Dialogue
Wall Street Journal, NY Times writer defend Indiana religious freedom law
Is Indiana that controversial? Poll finds Americans support religious freedom laws
Clueless protesters in San Francisco prove Archbishop Cordileone's point
Does Encouraging Chastity 'Sexualize' Gay Christians?
Praying and Fasting for Enemies of the Unborn
Dundee University in Scotland Censors Two Pro-Life Student Groups
Changed by Stations of the Cross?
Scarcity of Strong Catholic Colleges 'Heartbreaking,' Says Conservative Leader
An Easter Reflection on the Plague of Cremation

National Review's Ian Tuttle and Radio America's Greg Corombos discuss current events. Today's Martinis: Clinton's e-mail excuses continue to crumble, Harry Reid defends his baseless accusations against Mitt Romney, and Americans support a nuclear deal with Iran...even if it won't do any good.
Why Won't the Benghazi Committee Compel Clinton to Testify?
Barometers of political conventional wisdom say Clinton has a big problem, even on MSNBC
A Tangled Web: Obama, Clinton, Iran, Israel, and the Democrats
Why Won't the Benghazi Committee Compel Clinton to Testify?
As one who was very pleased by the selection of Representative Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) to chair the Benghazi Select Committee, I hate to seem like I'm haranguing him (see, e.g., here and here; but see also here). His investigative decisions, however, continue to be baffling.
The latest development in the Hillary Clinton e-mail saga is the disclosure by her private attorney, David Kendall, that she has deleted all e-mail from the private server on which she improperly conducted government business while she was secretary of state. (See Shannen Coffin's latest legal analysis regarding laws potentially broken by Mrs. Clinton here.) In light of the obvious ramifications this has for the Benghazi investigation, Fox News's Greta Van Susteren asked Chairman Gowdy what he intended to do about it. Gowdy responded:Also read:
We're going to have a conversation with Secretary Clinton. I would hope that it would be a transcribed interview, which is private, it protects her privacy. It protects national-security interests. And it rebuts this notion that this is a political charade, which some Democrats suggest. Let's have a private conversation about why you had your own server, why you didn't return the records when you left the State Department. And why you decided to permanently delete them when you knew the congressional investigations were ongoing.The Washington Examiner is now reporting that Gowdy's committee has, in fact, "formally requested" that Mrs. Clinton appear for a private, transcribed interview - not compulsory public testimony. It is hard to say what is more disappointing: the chairman's plan or the instincts and apparent motivation behind it...
Barometers of political conventional wisdom say Clinton has a big problem, even on MSNBC
A Tangled Web: Obama, Clinton, Iran, Israel, and the Democrats

Apple CEO Tim Cook Is Wrong About Indiana Religious Freedom Law
Want Evidence of Hysterical Anti-Christian Bigotry? Look No Further than #BoycottIndiana
Indiana's RFRA - and the Hysterical, Hate-Filled Response - Is All About the Signaling
Your Questions On Indiana's Religious Freedom Bill, Answered
Meet 10 Americans Helped By Religious Freedom Bills Like Indiana's
Liberals Have Discarded Religious Liberty
How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake?
Judicial Tyranny UnMoored
Meet the Men Behind Hillary Clinton's Private 'Spy Network'
American Deserter

'Anchorman' director Adam McKay thinks he has the best way to punish Indiana for its RFRA law
Can all the players on all four teams agree to tongue kiss after each game just to fuck with ignorant Indiana?
— Adam McKay (@GhostPanther) March 29, 2015
It takes just ONE Iowahawk tweet to nutshell absurdity of Left's #BoycottIndiana outrage
Don't let a nuclear-armed Iran distract us from America's #1 threat - Indiana bakeries
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 29, 2015
Gov. Dan Malloy bans state-funded travel to Indiana despite Connecticut's own RFRA
Nobody tell Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy that Connecticut's 21-year-old RFRA is even more expansive than Indiana's http://t.co/ERDEOLVE8h
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) March 30, 2015
ICYMI: That awkward moment when Hillary Clinton boards #BoycottIndiana train, but forgot about THIS
Has anyone asked @HillaryClinton her opinion of the RFRA, which her husband signed and on which the Indiana law is based? #BoycottIndiana
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) March 27, 2015
Breaking: Shooting at NSA's Fort Meade; Reports: 1 dead, 2 men disguised as women
MORE: Men dressed as women reportedly try to ram NSA HQ gate; drugs, gun found in SUV http://t.co/gJaqsQJvaV pic.twitter.com/gwERKtFk3D
— The Hill (@thehill) March 30, 2015
Media orgasms everywhere over 'hot' new Daily Show host Trevor Noah
Trevor Noah's funny and he's South African. If that isn't the perfect blend for a politically liberal show I don't know what is.
— Noel Ransome (@NoelRansome) March 30, 2015
Media swoon over new 'Daily Show' host Trevor Noah. Then this embarrassing OOPS happened
Wonder how many articles today will refer to Trevor Noah as African American? https://t.co/SkMnO0obeV
— Matt Johnson (@twoeightnine) March 30, 2015
What Obama said about Ted Kennedy today wasn't just outrageously idiotic; It was enraging
Mary Jo Kopechne not in attendance RT @WhiteHouse President Obama speaks at the dedication of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute #EMKInstitute
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) March 30, 2015
Paging self-awareness! In Kennedy speech, Obama bemoans 'money, special interests'; Then he did THIS
After lamenting "money and special interests” during his Ted Kennedy speech, Obama heads off to a DNC fundraiser
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) March 30, 2015
Marc Lamont Hill and Bill Ayers lead bleeding-heart brigade for hospitalized Mumia abu Jamal
#PoliceLivesMatter #phillypd #Philadelphia Rest in Peace Officer Daniel Faulkner pic.twitter.com/qWxTZJSObF
— Thin blue Island (@thinblueisland) December 9, 2014

Monday, March 30, 2015
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
On Pope Francis and Understanding Theology
Pope Francis Gives D.C. Archdiocese Another Shepherd for Latino Catholic Souls
Gay Lobby Doesn't Stop Indiana Governor From Signing State Religious-Freedom Bill
Will Notre Dame Continue to Betray its Catholic Identity?
Feminist "Logic": Misogyny's Ironic Ally
A Sacred Week of Living the Faith
Spiritual Renewal Paul VI Spoke of Has Not Yet Materialized
Modern Martyrs' Stations of the Cross
With #BringBackOurGirls no longer trending, Nigerians aghast at 'inaction' from donors
Everyone but churches can use NYC schools – will the mayor do anything about it?

Is your smartphone really a crazyphone when it comes to children? Hear more as Stephen Kruiser, Scott Ott and Leo Terrell discuss the impact technology is having on our kids.

National Review's Ian Tuttle and Radio America's Greg Corombos discuss current events. Today's Martinis: Carly Fiorina eyes a presidential run, Hillary Clinton reveals she wiped her server clean even as her e-mails were under subpoena, and proggies lose their collective minds over Indiana's Religious Freedom law.
Hillary's Nixon Moment Won't Be Forgotten
Meet the Press Panel Laughs at Defense of Clinton's E-mail Shenanigans
Clinton's emails: Deleted but not gone
Hillary's Nixon Moment Won't Be Forgotten
Is the Hillary Clinton email scandal over? That's the spin we're getting from mainstream media outlets. To the extent that the liberal media paid much attention to the bizarre story about the former secretary of state using only a private email address based on a home server to conduct official business, their interest seems to be at an end. Even many of those who covered the affair have now moved on to other stories, as Clinton continues the preparations for her expected coronation as the Democrats' 2016 presidential nominee.
While Clinton's apologists will claim, with some justice, that she has been treated far more roughly than, say, President Obama, last Friday's revelation that the home server on which all of her emails, both personal and government business, was "wiped," theoretically making it impossible for any of the State Department records that might not have been already turned over to the federal archives to be retrieved, confirms what her conservative antagonists have long feared: the rules really are different for the Clintons. Though House Republicans still investigating the Benghazi attacks may cry foul, it appears that Hillary is counting on a dearth of genuine outrage to let her get away with a stunt that no Republican could possibly get away with.
Clinton's apologists continue to tell us that there's no story here because she has already turned over 55,000 pages of printed out emails to the government. The fact that she got to determine which emails were official and which were personal renders that data dump meaningless. But her deletion of all those messages that she deemed personal, even though all of her records were under subpoena from the House Benghazi Committee, rendered what might have been considered a dubious decision an outrageous act of arrogant defiance.
Defending that inexplicable decision to delete personal emails was a difficult task for the usual suspects who are given the job of defending the Clintons on television talk shows. But that daunting task was made even more absurd by the announcement that the server was wiped...Also read:
Meet the Press Panel Laughs at Defense of Clinton's E-mail Shenanigans
Clinton's emails: Deleted but not gone

Oh Dear: The Liberal Hysteria Over Indiana's Religious Freedom Bill Has Begun
Scott Walker's partner in power
Walker Toughens Immigration Position After Setbacks
Is Rubio's moment coming or has it already passed?
Hillary Milhous Clinton
Who Says You Can't Speak Ill of Hillary?
ObamaCare Is Still Failing Five Years Later
You are probably breaking the law right now
Time for Lawyers to Take a Stand Against BDS
History, truth & politics: Researcher seeks to clear the record on Fr. Junipero Serra

Is former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley about to challenge Hillary for the Dem nomination? 'Sure sounds' like it…
The Clinton team isn't screaming bloody murder at O'Malley. They're screaming at every booker they know.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) March 29, 2015
'Nearly assassination-style': Boston police shooting suspect identified as 'career criminal' Angelo West, age 41
Shooting of decorated Boston cop called 'assassination attempt' http://t.co/7ymiLJ4jhw
— WCVB-TV Boston (@WCVB) March 29, 2015
Caption contest: What did the Easter Bunny say to John Dingell?
So, this just happened. pic.twitter.com/U0lN0TSbD0
— John Dingell (@JohnDingell) March 29, 2015
'I'm glad whites are uncomfortable by this. Deal with it.' #BlackBrunchATL demonstrators out in force again
What better way to stop racism than to berate and shame people for the color of their skin? #BlackBrunchATL
— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) March 29, 2015
Jennifer Granholm 'groveling for relevance within Hillary World' with 'watch out' comment to Martin O'Malley
Not helpful in combating the inevitability narrative: Clinton ally Jennifer Granholm's comments today on O'Malley. pic.twitter.com/mF5BHosLQC
— Gabriel Debenedetti (@gdebenedetti) March 29, 2015
'Willful ignorance': Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn puts Obama's Middle East failure in perspective
"We have almost a complete breakdown of order in the Middle East. A new Middle East is struggling to be born."-Lt General Michael Flynn #FNC
— jcbelgium (@jcbelgium) March 29, 2015
'Bring them in from the cold': Richard Branson tweets his support of a 'historic peace deal with Iran'
@richardbranson See Neville Chamberlain.
— Robert Montoya (@RobbyMontoya) March 29, 2015
Sally Kohn or middle schooler making jokes at recess? We're really not sure…
@sallykohn What are you? 12?
— Ben Aksar (@BenAksar) March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday services? Pfft! More golf today for the vacationer-in-chief
Obama's Florida golf press pool sent to the 'shed' http://t.co/im7LuTZxC4
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) March 29, 2015
'Pls run ur country and not golf!': President Vacay creates huge traffic jam on Florida Turnpike
Obama playing golf in Port St. Lucie = stuck in traffic for hours heading home ⛳️
— вιnх pιno (@BinxPino) March 29, 2015

Sunday, March 29, 2015
Martin O'Malley is a proggie who, like Fauxcahontas herself, masquerades as a populist. He's probably going to run for president, in which case his comments are completely self-serving...but he's not wrong. Neither is National Review's Charles Cooke, who hints at what I've been saying all along:
If O’Malley is in, his message is as stated this morning, and Hillary ends up as the nominee, he’s going to be a GOP TV commercial favorite.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) March 29, 2015
“Even the progressive Democrat Martin O’Malley . . .”
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) March 29, 2015
Of course, if the Republicans do pick Jeb Bush, that won’t happen.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) March 29, 2015
We need a man of the people, a blue-collar candidate for these populists times to defeat Hillary Clinton. And I have just the right man for that job...
Situation Normal: Hillary Clinton obstructs justice and operates outside the law
Ted Cruz's Contradictory Position on Illegal Immigration
Jeb Bush & James Baker's Zombie Foreign Policy
Rumor Mill: Rubio Could Announce His Presidential Run on April 13
Protests over Indiana version of RFRA seem to miss one important point
If Yelp doesn't like religious freedom laws they should stop reviewing restaurants
Claiming race-victimization - everyone wants to get in on the act
Germanwings and Evil
Charter Schools Aren't Perfect, But They Introduce Some Necessary Competition
Public Shaming Week at College Insurrection

Blessing of the Palms and olive branches, Procession and Palm Sunday Mass presided over by Pope Francis, followed by the Angelus.
Pope Francis on Palm Sunday: Remember persecuted Christians
Pope Francis on Palm Sunday: Remember persecuted Christians
Following the proclamation of the Passion according to St. Mark, Pope Francis delivered a homily, in which he reflected on the plight of all those who endure humiliation because of their faithfulness to the Gospel, all those who face discrimination and pay a personal price for their fidelity to Christ.
"We think too of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted because they are Christians," he said, "the martyrs of our own time." The Holy Father went on to say, "They refuse to deny Jesus and they endure insult and injury with dignity. They follow Him on His way."
The reflection came at the end of his brief Palm Sunday homily, which was intensely focused on the way of humility that Christ chose to undertake for our salvation. "This is God's way, the way of humility," he said. "It is the way of Jesus; there is no other."
The Holy Father concluded with a call to all the faithful to undertake the Way of the Cross, which leads to salvation and eternal life, with new dedication and devotion during Holy Week. "Let us set about with determination along this same path," said Pope Francis, "with immense love for Him, our Lord and Savior. Love will guide us and give us strength. For where He is, we too shall be."
FULL TEXT of Pope's Palm Sunday Homily: http://t.co/1U0ux0tGeH pic.twitter.com/5LadjWCqRC
— Zenit English (@zenitenglish) March 29, 2015
Pope's Angelus Address: FULL TRANSLATION http://t.co/Gbkn4zBoce pic.twitter.com/y8hyDDIvkv
— Zenit English (@zenitenglish) March 29, 2015
Here are some moments from today's Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square [courtesy of Fr. Angel Davila] pic.twitter.com/h2BRGdgLxK
— Zenit English (@zenitenglish) March 29, 2015
Here are some moments from today's Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square [courtesy of Fr. Angel Davila] pic.twitter.com/DFNvxYeDLX
— Zenit English (@zenitenglish) March 29, 2015
Here are some moments from today's Palm Sunday Mass and Angelus in St. Peter's Square [courtesy of Fr. Angel Davila] pic.twitter.com/h6huV5XjAs
— Zenit English (@zenitenglish) March 29, 2015
Here are some moments from today's Palm Sunday Mass, Angelus in St. Peter's Square [courtesy of Fr. Angel Davila] pic.twitter.com/aSthkZFcpn
— Zenit English (@zenitenglish) March 29, 2015
Here are some moments from today's Palm Sunday Mass and Angelus in St. Peter's Square [courtesy of Fr. Angel Davila] pic.twitter.com/WLh3wGIPOJ
— Zenit English (@zenitenglish) March 29, 2015
Here are some moments from today's Palm Sunday Mass and Angelus in St. Peter's Square [courtesy of Fr. Angel Davila] pic.twitter.com/IoW7msd7GK
— Zenit English (@zenitenglish) March 29, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015
60 Minutes shows the faces and the tears of Iraqi Christians besieged by ISIS
Progressive: U.N. Agency Demands that African and Asian Nations Have Fewer Children
Indiana Legislature: Black Democrat Calls White Republican's 18-Month-Old Toddler a Racist
No, Indiana did not just pass a law discriminating against gay people. Here's why...
The Facts About Religious Freedom Laws
Indiana is the new Brendan Eich
Hey Media, 'Religious Freedom' Is a Real Thing
Indiana Protects Religious Freedom, Does Notre Dame Want the Protection?
When My Father Told Me He Wanted to Be a Woman
The Left vs. Human Nature

Friday, March 27, 2015
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
Mysterium Iniquitatis
Cardinal Baselios on Indian Nun's Rape: 'This Is an Abominable Crime'
Catholic Schools Are 'Vehicles' of Pro-Life Movement, Say Pro-Life Leaders
Defining Doctrine Protects Divine Mystery
During Lent, you put your faith (and fish) where your mouth is
A Self-Styled "Pro-Life" Politician Goes Horribly Wrong
Celebrating Teresa of Avila, a Prayerful Saint
Two young religious orders look to expand to Denver this summer
Oils consecrated at chrism Mass central to Church's sacraments, rituals
The 'Bach to School' Program

National Review's Ian Tuttle and Radio America's Jim Geraghty discuss current events. Today's Martinis: Harry Reid retires, the Obama regime grants more concessions to Iran, and Barbara Lee thinks climate change will cause prostitution.
Obama Regime Threatens U.S. Allies for Disagreeing with Iran Nuke Deal
Obama's Latest Concession Guts What's Left of the Iran Nuclear Deal
The Conversation About Iran Obama Wants
Obama Regime Threatens U.S. Allies for Disagreeing with Iran Nuke Deal
Efforts by the Obama administration to stem criticism of its diplomacy with Iran have included threats to nations involved in the talks, including U.S. allies, according to Western sources familiar with White House efforts to quell fears it will permit Iran to retain aspects of its nuclear weapons program.
A series of conversations between top American and French officials, including between President Obama and French President Francois Hollande, have seen Americans engage in behavior described as bullying by sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.
The disagreement over France's cautious position in regard to Iran threatens to erode U.S. relations with Paris, sources said.
Tension between Washington and Paris comes amid frustration by other U.S. allies, such as Saudi Arabia and Israel. The White House responded to this criticism by engaging in public campaigns analysts worry will endanger American interests...Also read:
Obama's Latest Concession Guts What's Left of the Iran Nuclear Deal
The Conversation About Iran Obama Wants

Saudi Arabia forms international coalition, launches war in Yemen against Iran-backed rebels
The Yemen Mess Is Sparking a Full-Fledged Regional War
Yemen and the Collapse of Obama's Middle East Policy
Obama Regime Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together
The Washington Post Sugarcoats Obama's Communist Mentor
Pope Francis to visit White House Sept. 23
The ACLU's Betrayal of Civil Liberties
D.C. City Council Violates Catholic Schools' Right to Free Exercise of Religion
Just Murder, Not a 'Hate Crime'
Ron Paul supporters bolt Rand Paul camp

What we know so far about the pilot and co-pilot of Germanwings FL 4U9525
#Breaking: French prosecutors say copilot of the #Germanwings plane, Andreas Guenter Lubitz, appeared to want to "destroy the plane".
— Jessica Gonzalez (@HessicaGonzalez) March 26, 2015
MSNBC graphic about what happened aboard Germanwings FL 4U9525 called an 'epic piece of dumb'
.@NolteNC Can just picture the producers sitting around..."Wonder what it sounds like when a door is being pounded on? Hey! I know!....."
— L. North (@LadyLNorth) March 26, 2015
'New Dire Straits video'? CNN outdoes themselves with bizarre FL 4U9525 animation
If you were wondering what someone knocking on a cockpit door might look like, CNN's got you covered pic.twitter.com/2nT5xmcjcX
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) March 26, 2015
Good news? U.S. has begun airstrikes to help Iranian backed militias battle ISIS in Tikrit
VIDEO: US begins airstrikes in Tikrit, Iraq http://t.co/snDVmTgDJn
— The Associated Press (@AP) March 26, 2015
Who's ready for even more unilateral action on immigration from President Obama? Because it just happened…
President Obama just took unilateral executive action--again--to change immigration laws. Almost no one noticed. http://t.co/DjiM1l6tOn
— Byron York (@ByronYork) March 26, 2015
'THIS oughta be good': Glenn Greenwald thinks media should cut Iran some slack
So @ggreenwald sees no difference between a targeted strike on a weapons facility to stop nuclear proliferation and a call for genocide?
— Konabianca (@konabianca) March 26, 2015
'Dear God, help us!' How can Obama admin possibly think this is a good Iran strategy?
Wait. WHAT? #facepalm RT @NewsOnTheMin BREAKING: U.S. considers letting Iran run nuclear centrifuges at fortified underground bunker. (AP)
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) March 26, 2015
He asked for it: Josh Earnest solicits #AskPressSec questions; Citizens deliver
Not surprised by this, tbh. #AskPressSec pic.twitter.com/m0IeuJ78o4
— Elliott Schwartz (@elliosch) March 26, 2015
'For real?' Josh Earnest's advice for aspiring press secretaries provides 'biggest laugh all day'
@PressSec @mary_kenkel Always tell the truth?!? Are you fucking kidding me?
— JWF (@JammieWF) March 26, 2015
Labor department invokes 'Batgirl' to support 'equal pay'
Unless you work for Obama or Dems! MT @USDOL: Batgirl teaches Batman a lesson about #EqualPay: “Same job, same employer means equal pay .
— American Elephant (@AmericnElephant) March 26, 2015

Dem strawmen,
Democrat clown show,
left-wing hypocrisy,
Obama regime scandals,
social media,
This Day In Twitchy,
It's Here! MT @JimandMickey "It's all Yin & Yang to Us" New #TJAMS with @jimgeraghty Listen: https://t.co/hibG2HIGq6 pic.twitter.com/dC3URmDTcf
— BiasedGirl (@BiasedGirl) March 27, 2015
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