Disrupting the Narrative of the New Left, its allies in Academia, Hollywood and the Establishment Media, and examining with honesty the goals of cultural Marxism and the dangers of reactionary and abusive political correctness.
“Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.” -George Orwell
Saturday, February 28, 2015
ISIS Has Begun Executing Captured Christians, According to Report
Not Just Jews: Christians Under Increasing Attack in Europe
Obama's Obsession With Appeasing Iran
On his way out the door, Eric Holder race-baits one last time
Call Clinton Foundation Action What It Was: Corruption
For the press, CPAC takes a serious turn
Moonbat Media: Why Won't Scott Walker Believe in Obama?
Conservatives and 'Gaffes'
Melanie Griffith Drops The Hollywood Act When It Comes To Her Daughter
Madonna's Fall From Relevance

Friday, February 27, 2015
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
The Passion of the Church in the Middle East
Can the Swiss Guard Protect the Vatican?
Jesuit priest's cheerful disposition kept hope alive during Afghan captivity
African bishops aim for observer status at African Union
German Bishops: 'We Are Not Just a Subsidiary of Rome'
We are Israel
Lent: Experiencing the Reality of Purgatory
Marquette's Treatment of Banned Professor Shows 'Hypocrisy of Academic Freedom'
A Child of Gay Parents Writes to Justice Kennedy
'The Drop Box' Movie Director: Embracing Mothers in Need is the Way to End Abortion

National Review's Ian Tuttle joins Radio America's Greg Corombos. Today's topics: New polls show voters prefer the GOP on foreign policy, the FCC moves to regulate the Internet, and the Internet melts down over a mysteriously-hued dress.
On Net Neutrality, Even John Oliver Would Call John Oliver An Idiot
No War with Russia? Don't Be Too Sure...
The Ultimate Nightmare: Are the U.S. and China Destined for War?
On Net Neutrality, Even John Oliver Would Call John Oliver An Idiot
If you are in favor of net neutrality because you detest Comcast, you are being played, just as John Oliver, the latest adorable enfant terrible of Comedy Central and HBO, is being played.
His impassioned - and hilarious - rant on the urgent need for the Federal Communications Commission to formally disallow such things as a "fast lane," and instead impose "net neutrality," has been viewed on YouTube nearly 8 million times, making it likely the most influential single factor in the public debate. Indeed, the FCC passed a proposal Thursday that paves the way for net neutrality by classifying broadband as a government utility.
Oliver's segment is as funny and persuasive in its presentation as it is wrong-headed in its conclusions. Take a look, and then we'll discuss how and why it is so misleading, and its wide circulation so unfortunate. You are being led to believe that "net neutrality" will deliver one thing when, in fact, it will deliver exactly the opposite...Also read:
No War with Russia? Don't Be Too Sure...
The Ultimate Nightmare: Are the U.S. and China Destined for War?

Gov. Scott Walker: Why I'm Signing Wisconsin's Freedom to Work Legislation
Scott Walker Is Trying to Woo CPAC. And It's Working...
Why Rudy and Walker Were Right
America's Future Depends upon Which Republican Wins
Green Hypocrisy and the Hillary Scandals
Turkish border closed as Christian hostages in Syria spike to 250
China's Space Weapons Threaten U.S. Satellites
Government and Marriage: An Increasingly Toxic Mix
Here's How To Tackle Garden-Variety Political Correctness
The Tyranny of "Rights"

'Right to Work' bill passes Wisconsin Senate, lefties lose their minds
Union bosses should look at #RightToWork as an opportunity to reform and improve their unions to deliver better value to members. #WIUnion
— Matt Soleyn (@MattSoleyn) February 26, 2015
Giggling madly! Remember the time Hillary Clinton compared her family to 'The Sopranos'?
As you read that WaPo story, keep in mind Republicans will be attacked for accepting "dark money" by a Clinton team swimming in Qatari cash.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) February 26, 2015
Using your official government position to facilitate funneling money from foreign governments to your own foundation? #GrandmothersKnowBest
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) February 26, 2015
Somewhere, Bob McDonnell is really kicking himself for not setting up a non-profit foundation as a crony cash conduit.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) February 26, 2015
Simple fact of the matter is that the potentates who gave the millions to the Clinton Foundation certainly thought it was a buy-in.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) February 26, 2015
Marie Harf, 'you fool'! 'Jihadi John' identified as 'well-to-do' university grad Mohammed Emwazi
Jihadi John is identified as former university student from respectable London family http://t.co/bShmmFfZHr pic.twitter.com/UonzOXWmky
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) February 26, 2015
.@marieharf Once again, facts emerge to undermine your silly assertions. http://t.co/qS9LQ2aLnn #ISIS pic.twitter.com/K3iLMNrJjc
— DC Dude (@DCDude1776) February 26, 2015
'Nailed it!' Martha MacCallum lays the 'Jihadi John' truth-boom down on Marie Harf
Jihadi John/College grad. If only he could've found a job...he wouldn't be chopping off the heads of innocent people.C'mon.
— martha maccallum (@marthamaccallum) February 26, 2015
@marthamaccallum Awwww, just hold his hand & sing "Kumbayah" with him. He'll put his machete down & plant a peace garden. Hillary said so!
— Anthony Boerio (@coachanthony79) February 26, 2015
'Inhuman': Religion of peace? Barbaric savages hack writer to death, injure blogger wife
Atrocity in #Bangladesh: secularist writer Avijit Roy 'hacked to death' in front of wife http://t.co/vSOsTdDFQu pic.twitter.com/CFCnc2JW9u
— Legatum Institute (@LegatumInst) February 26, 2015
Paging WaPo! Al Sharpton heads to the White House — again. Question: Will he pay past due taxes?
Just arrived at the White House to join 14 civil rights and religious leaders in a meeting with President Obama and some of his cabinet.
— Reverend Al Sharpton (@TheRevAl) February 26, 2015
@TheRevAl 83rd visit?
— peter fack (@fackinpeter) February 26, 2015
@TheRevAl Hey, while there, any chance you can drop off a (certified) check for your back taxes????
— jimbuff (@jimbuff) February 26, 2015
'O'Reilly Factor' ratings surge during Media Matters 'investigation,' pummel Obama's interview
Media Matters attacks O’Reilly and his ratings go up.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) February 26, 2015
Amid this controversy, O’Reilly’s ratings are surging. He averaged 705,000 viewers in 25-54 demo last night — his best of 2015.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) February 26, 2015
FLASH: O’Reilly Wednesday night pulls astonishing 705,000 in 25-54 demo, swamps all other programs, timeslots.
Sorry, Media Matters!
— johnny dollar (@johnnydollar01) February 26, 2015
Thanks to @MMFA's million dollar witch hunt against Bill O'Reilly, I now pronounce him....
— John Nolte (@NolteNC) February 26, 2015
I just bought a used Trapper Keeper from Amazon so I can write Bill O'Reilly's name on it and circle it with a heart.
— John Nolte (@NolteNC) February 26, 2015
'Political malware'': Will net neutrality rules lead to silencing free speech?
Just remembered this classic quote about a public utility Internet paving the way for silencing climate skeptics. pic.twitter.com/ZTxfBKHFVU
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) February 27, 2015
.@Kerpen reminds us how proponents of net neutrality see it as paving the way for silencing their political opponents pic.twitter.com/Z9he2ZT0ed
— Mike Rigas (@MikeRigas) February 27, 2015
Lois Lerner email: 'No one will ever believe' two hard drives 'crashed' within a week
Breaking: Lois Lerner's emails were found on back-up tapes. Back-up tapes were never even requested by the #IRS, per IG report.
— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) February 27, 2015
IG finds missing tapes, learns IRS never bothered to look for them: https://t.co/cAwAvvdGyk
— GOP Oversight (@GOPoversight) February 27, 2015
If you can believe it, here's an actual email sent by Lois Lerner: pic.twitter.com/1VY09EYaCz
— GOP Oversight (@GOPoversight) February 27, 2015
. @RepMarkMeadows but.. Obama and Dems have assured us not a hint of impropriety in the IRS. The IRS and Obama lied? 😲 @JimmyPrinceton
— Carma (@Carma_2012) February 27, 2015
'The end of an era?' The great Greg Gutfeld bidding farewell to 'Red Eye'
Red Eye without @greggutfeld? What?
— Ben Florance (@bflo360) February 26, 2015
Farewell @greggutfeld from @RedEyeFNC. BIG thank you for including me at the table! #redeye http://t.co/rRDPyovrSx
— Imogen Lloyd Webber (@illoydwebber) February 26, 2015
Red Eye loses @greggutfeld but GG gains a new weekend primetime show…
— johnny dollar (@johnnydollar01) February 26, 2015
Tonight I will drink red wine until I black out in honor of @greggutfeld #RedEye
— the gypsy circus (@thegypsycircus) February 26, 2015

Thursday, February 26, 2015
Welcome to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Friends! Tonight, Casey Mattox of the Alliance Defending Freedom joins Leon Wolf of RedState, Jay Caruso of Pocket Full of Liberty, F. Bill McMorris of the Washington Free Beacon, Neal Dewing of The Federalist, and Scott Lincicome of the Cato Institute to discuss the ongoing DHS showdown, the Export-Import Bank, the Scott Walker mediapalooza, and more.

In this week's EWTN The World Over, Raymond Arroyo reviews the headline news of the week, plus:
Rep. Sean Duffy, U.S. Congressman from Wisconsin, joins Raymond to discuss the funding controversy over the DHS, the federal budget and a new pro-life bill he is sponsoring in Congress.
Ray Flynn, former Mayor of Boston and U.S. Ambassador the Vatican joins Raymond to talk about the latest papal news from Rome and his efforts to work with the medical community and the political community to find a cure for a rare neurological condition recently contracted by his grandson Braeden.
Finally, an encore of Raymond's interviews with Jeff Bridges, star of the new film The Giver, it's producer, Michael Flaherty of Walden Media, and Lois Lowry, author of the dystopian novel, on which the movie was based. They talk about the themes of security vs. individual liberty that are examined in the movie and the pro-life message inherent in the work.

EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
A Message in Blood: ISIS and the Meaning of the Cross
No-Go Zones of the Mind
Indians rise up to defend Mother Teresa's legacy after attack by Hindu leader
Why a new State Department position could spell trouble for religious liberty
The Gospel According to Cardinal Marx
Father Serra, the Synod and Sanctity
Archbishop Cordileone Holds Firm on Teacher Contracts
Who Am I to Judge?
Paraguay archbishop to UN: stop pushing abortion, gay "marriage"
The Newest Doctor of the Church

National Review's Ian Tuttle and Radio America's Greg Corombos discuss current events. Today's topics: The Clintons are embroiled in another fundraising scandal, the latest ISIS atrocities, and Donald Trump threatens to run again in 2016.
Cruz on Clinton Foundation: "Hillary Clinton embodies the bipartisan corruption in Washington"
Vatican Rep: Syrian Crisis 'One of the Most Serious Humanitarian Disasters Since WW II'
Meet 'Gentle' Jihadi John, the Care Bear Of Jihad
Cruz on Clinton Foundation: "Hillary Clinton embodies the bipartisan corruption in Washington"
Cruz also warned about the need to frame the narrative in 2016. Hillary will run largely on a nostalgia theme, Cruz says, to remind voters "when Democrats are competent." Embracing Bill Clinton will help Hillary run away from Barack Obama and his record, which "is a manifest disaster." To defeat Hillary, Republicans need to look to the future rather than the failed past — but more to the point, need to move away from consultant-directed candidates to find an authentic conservative. "Show me where you've bled" for conservative principles, Cruz advises conservatives at CPAC to demand. "Don't tell me – show me."
Regarding immigration, Cruz blasted Democrats for choosing demagoguery over real action. The American public has a broad, bipartisan consensus for border security and to streamline legal immigration, but Barack Obama ignores that to sow division and resentment. That's what his executive amnesty is designed to accomplish, Cruz said, and to paint Republicans as extremists for wanting to actually accomplish something.
Finally, Cruz reminded everyone that Ronald Reagan didn't lead a political revolution by worrying about positioning on a political spectrum to strategize how to fragment the electorate. He stood on principled conservatism unapologetically, drew a line in the sand, and attracted new voters and crossovers by drawing a sharp contrast. To paraphrase, if the choice is between two candidates who are almost indistinguishable, voters will choose their party's nominee every time. Only by providing a real choice — and a commitment to stick to those principles — will Republicans win another presidential election...Also read:
Vatican Rep: Syrian Crisis 'One of the Most Serious Humanitarian Disasters Since WW II'
Meet 'Gentle' Jihadi John, the Care Bear Of Jihad

Gov. Scott Walker: I refuse to take the media's bait
Media Haters Gotta Keep Hatin' on Scott Walker
Scott Walker's Reagan-Nixon Test
Clintons' Qatari Cash Should End Democrats' Koch Attacks
No Trust for Hillary on the Left
Susan Rice: Ukraine's humiliating defeat? That's hilarious!
Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Climate Skeptic?
Same Sex "Marriage" and Dred Scott
Scientist: Giving Birth to Disabled Children is a "Crime Against Humanity," Abort Instead
An Insider's View of the Pro-Life Movement and its History

'Sick play on American Sniper?' ISIS releases its own video of a sniper in action
ISIS produce real life 'America Sniper' with video showing their deadliest killer http://t.co/ux1MHCtLqx pic.twitter.com/BymhHIHeF7
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) February 25, 2015
'Toy journalist': Politifact hack's not-so-extensive effort to contact National Review writer mercilessly mocked
Call the people you write about, kids. Or else this might happen. pic.twitter.com/XFKjZDayba
— Chris Moody (@moody) February 25, 2015
'Cred-O-Meter Reading: DEAD': PolitiFact's B.S. 'apology' to @JonahNRO, @KevinNR
In which @JonahNRO dismantles & embarrasses left-leaning "fact-checker" @Politifact --> http://t.co/6QJBF0z0lx #Delicious
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) February 25, 2015
Washington Post: How Twitter — and Michelle Malkin — are changing the Common Core debate
Throwback Tuesday - Standing up against Jeb Bush & Common Core racket in Florida https://t.co/AaJSstCl9g #stopjebbush #stopcommoncore
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) December 16, 2014
ISIS recruits? 2 men from Uzbekistan, 1 from Kazakhstan arrested in NYC on terrorism charges
Two of the men are scheduled to appear in court in Brooklyn, the other in Florida. MORE: http://t.co/k8kCyNgf3Y
— NY1 News (@NY1) February 25, 2015
'Public still can't see it': The continuing transparency saga of Obama's Internet plan
Here is Pres. Obama's revised 317-page plan to regulate the Internet. The public still can't see it. I'm voting no. pic.twitter.com/RirBVPChmV
— Ajit Pai (@AjitPaiFCC) February 25, 2015
THIS is Internet control: Iowahawk posits scenario preferable to net neutrality
@iowahawkblog If govt control of the Internet is a good thing, why is the proposal secret and not subject to normal rule making?
— PlottHound (@PlottHound2) February 25, 2015
Stacey Dash unloads on Hillary Clinton, announces new book; Libs bring the hate
Vote for Romney. The only choice for your future. @mittromney @teamromney #mittromney #VOTE #voteromney pic.twitter.com/9HFUhWul
— Stacey Dash (@REALStaceyDash) October 7, 2012
'One word: Jesus': Amanda Marcotte thinks she's got Republican women pegged
@AmandaMarcotte Why do you write what you do? One word. Hate
Cheers to a happier life. :)
— MamaGlove (@MamaGlove) February 25, 2015
'Open-air bribery': Will Hillary answer for Clinton Foundation's outrageous ethics violations?
Hillary was taking foreign donations WHILE SECRETARY OF STATE. Clearly, we need another Dana Milbank column on why Walker is disqualified.
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) February 26, 2015

Hot from @BigDaveP's hands... A Fresh #TJAMS just for you: https://t.co/ABhAYYZVpH @jimgeraghty & @BiasedGirl talk #Oscars #CPAC2015
— Jim and Mickey Show (@JimandMickey) February 26, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Today's Three Martinis: The media's insane hatred of Scott Walker makes him a conservative favorite, the GOP surrenders on Obama's executive amnesty, and the Saudis may let Israel use their airspace to strike Iran.
Insanity: Celebrity Moonbat Utterly Loses it Over "Racist, Sexist, Liar" Scott Walker
Scott Walker Flap Shows How Political Media Actively Loathe Christianity
Scott Walker Is a Threat to the Existing Social Order
Insanity: Celebrity Moonbat Utterly Loses it Over "Racist, Sexist, Liar" Scott Walker
Another hot take from an American icon:
— Cher (@cher) February 24, 2015
Did you catch all that? Gov. Walker is a lying, misogynistic racist who hates ordinary people and will do anything to become president!
Not surprisingly, these accusations were offered without a morsel of evidence. So it's clear that Cher and her acolytes are not interested in having an intellectually honest debate about Walker's policies and vision for the country; they simply want to End [the] Discussion.
It's also worth noting that Walker survived three challenges at the ballot box in four years in a blue state. Evidently, his constituents did not see fit to retire him given numerous opportunities to do so. Hence, if he really was any of these things, as Cher claims, do you not think he would have been booted from office long ago?
Of course, it's easy to ignore such reflexive and selective outrage from blowhard Leftists. And normally I would. But this is a perfect example -- as so many others have tirelessly pointed out -- of what Republicans are up against in 2016.
They will not be given a pass for their beliefs or convictions as Democrats have and they will certainly experience character assassination and defamation on a regular basis. Walker, for his part, is already embroiled in a non-scandal for declining to answer a 'gotcha' question that most people would recognize he was not qualified to answer. Are we surprised?
I hope Republicans are ready. This is merely the tip of the iceberg.Also read:
Scott Walker Flap Shows How Political Media Actively Loathe Christianity
Scott Walker Is a Threat to the Existing Social Order

Obama vetoes Keystone pipeline legislation because...it infringes on the executive branch's prerogatives
Obama's Isolationism
Barack Obama has identified the enemy, and it is us
Has an American President Ever Denied the Existence of the Greatest Threat to Our Country?
War on Christians: ISIS Goes on Church-Burning and Kidnapping Spree in Syria
Nigerian Troops Retake Massacre Site Baga from Boko Haram
U.S. Military No Longer Able to Fight Two Wars at Same Time
U.S. enemies are better off now than they were six years ago
Same-Sex Parenting: Unpacking the Social Science
Everyone, Calm Down About The New Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition

'Constant whiner' David Corn continues his vendetta against Bill O'Reilly
Geez what a constant whiner David Cornhole is
— Film Ladd (@FilmLadd) February 24, 2015
@Wodeshed Hewitt was bending over backwards to try and be fair, Cornhole took offense constantly, threatens to leave interview every minute
— Film Ladd (@FilmLadd) February 24, 2015
Ex-NBC News Miami bureau chief backs up O'Reilly's account of the riot he covered in Buenos Aires: http://t.co/FEgDcwW9MP
— Josh Feldman (@feldmaniac) February 24, 2015
Looking at at you @mmfa. pic.twitter.com/9GT4rdDb3a
— Matthew (@Matthops82) February 24, 2015
More Crusades blowback? Report: ISIS kidnapped 90 Christians from Syria
Isil abducts at least 90 from Christian villages in Syria | via @Telegraph http://t.co/aiDzf7XZZk pic.twitter.com/wkBTjC1ybJ
— Telegraph World News (@TelegraphWorld) February 24, 2015
#ISIS abducted >90 Christians in series of dawn raids on villages in #Syria says human rights NGO. http://t.co/aZ4lqKOeiG
— Jon Williams (@WilliamsJon) February 24, 2015
BREAKING..ISIS Kidnap 90 Christians
http://t.co/AKIDo77PdN via @MailOnline
— lucys mom (@NikkiMillward) February 24, 2015
Afraid for his life? Now we know why… New James O'Keefe video goes after Al Sharpton. He's 'all about the money'!
"I've never been more afraid for my life than I am w this story" - conserv blogger @JamesOkeefeIII fundraising mail touting Tue "bombshell"
— Carla Marinucci (@cmarinucci) February 24, 2015
Website for @Project_Veritas is now down. We are trying to get to bottom of it. @nypost has video embedded here http://t.co/2UZzqJIHnN
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) February 24, 2015
Today's Cover: Eric Garner’s daughter says Al Sharpton is ‘all about the money' http://t.co/ad8mZjlkhL pic.twitter.com/gNvOTIV2xp
— New York Post (@nypost) February 24, 2015
'50 Shades of Green'? IPCC head Rajendra Pachauri calls it quits amid sexual harassment allegations
UN IPCC climate head Rajendra Pachauri resigns amid sexual harassment allegations http://t.co/UPxLN4XueZ
— Watts Up With That (@wattsupwiththat) February 24, 2015
Dear @AlGore… You look highly qualified to take over for the now ex-IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri. h/t @AndyOz2 pic.twitter.com/J6pU5JcAd0
— JunkScience.com (@JunkScience) February 24, 2015
'No shit, Sherlock': John Kerry stars in your 'duh!' headline of the day
Secretary of State John Kerry says Russia has lied, misrepresented its activities in Ukraine, reports @debriechmann. http://t.co/QbyxIqTogt
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) February 24, 2015
@Matthops82 @AP_Politics Man. And Putin seemed like such a stand up guy, too. I mean, he was KGB. How bad could he be?
— D.G. (@BurgerVonStadt) February 24, 2015
Rahm's Gitmo? Voters head to the polls amid allegations that Chicago cops operate a 'black site' for interrogations
So local police are now operating black sites to interrogate people? Nothing creepy, illegal, or inappropriate there. http://t.co/99uocSI2xA
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) February 24, 2015
I wonder what Rahm has to say about this? #Chuy2015 http://t.co/oWO7BJN64d
— Emily Barney Rubble (@sundaesmilemily) February 24, 2015
'Still using that pic, huh'? What's ABC getting at with this Trayvon tweet?
“@ABC: JUST IN: DOJ to announce no charges against George Zimmerman"http://t.co/yNAHlY135s pic.twitter.com/ap1PdK1stF
Still using the baby pic.
— Instapundit.com (@instapundit) February 24, 2015
@ABC This boy's death was tragic but you make a show of it by using a pic from when he was 12. This is not real journalism. It's shameful.
— Amber Lily (@tigerlilystrugs) February 24, 2015
@ABC <---Still using earlier childhood pic not grown man photo I see. Honesty in reporting is lost. DOJ never should have been involved
— K in Cali (@KinCali1) February 24, 2015
'Are you KIDDING me?' Slate questions whether 'America is hell for working women'
Are you KIDDING me? This is HELL?! RT @Slate: If America is hell for working women, France might just be heaven: http://t.co/6yejfOePP1
— Heather (@hboulware) February 24, 2015
Congo, Somalia, Yemen, Nigeria…RT @Holden114: @hboulware @Slate I'd hate to see what Saudi Arabia is.
— Heather (@hboulware) February 24, 2015
@michelelfrost @Slate Yes, America is THE WORST for working women. What with all the oppression like no driving….wait.
— Heather (@hboulware) February 24, 2015
ROTC vans torched, students warned not to wear uniforms; Will Eric Holder 'occupy' this ROTC office?
Throwback Tuesday? Kent State ROTC vans burned. http://t.co/Tt2Fo2FYIC
— Record-Courier (@RecordPub) February 24, 2015
Two ROTC vans destroyed in fire at Kent State early this morning. Arson suspected. Follow @kentwired for more info. http://t.co/NVWoWNLhZp
— Matthew Merchant (@MattMerchant7) February 23, 2015
'A page from Hitler's playbook': ISIS burns Mosul library, 8000 rare texts
Barbarians. MT @fordm: ISIS burns Mosul's public library & priceless collection of 8,000 rare books and manuscripts: http://t.co/Qa3uSBllR3
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) February 24, 2015
Can we stop pretending they're not the Nazis reborn? --> ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul http://t.co/ZXRW8hdthd
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) February 24, 2015

James O'Keefe,
left-wing hypocrisy,
Muslim atrocities,
Project Veritas,
race hustlers,
social media,
This Day In Twitchy,
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
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