Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Thursday, January 8, 2015


National Review's Eliana Johnson joins host Greg Corombos. Today's topics: Bill Maher rips liberals for giving radical Muslims a pass, major media demur from running Mohammed cartoons, and a former Rolling Stone editor compares the massacre in Paris to a Jerry Falwell lawsuit.

Bill Maher to Jimmy Kimmel: Hundreds of millions of Muslims support this Charlie Hebdo attack
It's not what he's saying that's novel - he's made this point before, and seems to be making it more often lately - but the forum in which he's saying it. I wonder if there was anyone else featured across the four broadcast networks' news/current events programming yesterday to raise the point that the "tiny minority of extremists" isn't so tiny when you consider the raw numbers. Kimmel is uncomfortable from the start, partly because Maher went out there with a point to make rather than engage in the usual dreary late-night banter and partly because he's violating a liberal taboo in noting that jihadi fanatics are sustained by a larger, decidedly illiberal culture.
Criticizing the tiny minority on TV is okay provided that you emphasize their tiny-minority-ness. When, however, you try to connect up the actions of the worst offenders to the cultural fishbowl they swim in - a practice the left not only engages in but insists upon in every other context except Islamic fanaticism - then you're over the line. Watch Kimmel scramble for a commercial break as Maher tries to get going on that point. Listen to how silent the audience is throughout, as if they dare not disrespect their host, ABC, by encouraging him. No wonder Maher had to move his own show from broadcast TV to pay cable.
As for his numbers, I can't find a poll of Muslim opinion that asks directly whether satirists who insult Mohammed deserve death. I can find other polls endorsing draconian penalties for offenses against the faith, though, starting with this one from Pew last year.
Exit question: If the media believes the conventional wisdom it pushes that it's only a "tiny minority" they need worry about, why are they so afraid to take a risk by publishing cartoons of Mohammed? Strictly speaking, there are a tiny minority of extremists within Christianity, Judaism, and every other faith as well. Take a big enough population and, to a statistical certainty, you'll stumble across people who are more open to violence when their sacred cows are slaughtered. Yet only one group's tiny minority so worries the media that they'll black out key parts of a major international news story to avoid offending it. That is to say, not through its words but through its actions, the media routinely shows that it kinda sorta agrees with Maher about the comparative magnitude of risk. They're just not as honest about it as he is.
Also read:

The Dumbest 57 Seconds Ever On TV?

Re: The Dumbest 57 Seconds Ever On TV?

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