David Bianculli of the New York Daily News wrote about it a few days later:
A very funny thing happened on last weekend's live telecast of "Saturday Night Live" - but it wasn't what you would expect."You're enjoyin' your day, everything's goin' your way, when along comes Debbie Downer. Always there to tell you 'bout a new disease, a car accident, or killer bees. You beg her to spare you, 'Debbie, PLEASE!' but you can't stop Debbie DOWNER!"
Fact is, it wasn't even planned.
That's because during one skit, ironically titled "Debbie Downer," the entire cast fell victim to an infectious giggle fit.
This isn't a complaint, or even a criticism.
The studio audience responded with laughter, then applause and delighted hoots, as the repertory players and guest host Lindsay Lohan broke down, then fought their way to the end of the sketch.
It was lots of fun to watch on TV, too.
It was also rare. This sort of stuff doesn't happen on TV very often - not even on NBC's "Saturday Night Live."
In years past on this show, a few cast members have been known for making others laugh.
Prior to "SNL," the best place to find this sort of thing was on "The Carol Burnett Show," where Tim Conway knew Harvey Korman's comedic weak spots and hit them in almost every sketch. And back in the early days of television, when almost everything was live, "Colgate Comedy Hour" co-hosts Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis went off script with deliberate glee.
But in 28 years of watching "SNL," I don't think I've ever seen a laughing fit take hold the way it did Saturday.
The previous hour of that "SNL" was building, slowly but surely, to a giggle fit. Host Lohan giggled at the antics of the "SNL" rep company during her opening monologue, during a "Harry Potter" sketch built around her ample figure, and during a Billy-Joel-as-dangerous-Hamptons-driver sketch.
When "Debbie Downer" came around, there was no stopping it.

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