Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. -George Orwell

Friday, July 13, 2012


If you want to know why Obama is still competitive in the polls, THIS is it. When has a president ever gotten such preferential treatment, no matter what the issue? Obama's pathetic record should be destroying him.  But that would require the media doing what it used to do: Scrutinize the incumbent's record rather than mitigating and promoting it!  There are whole networks devoted to a 24-7 comprehensive defense of the Obama administration, it's policies, and it's many failures.  Indeed, some are actively engaged in promoting the outrageous notion that merely questioning Obama is a sign of "racism."  

What you are seeing here is the Establishment Media at work.  How ironic that these sycophantic hypocrites claim to be professionals. They get paid for what they do but they are definitely not "professional" in their conduct. They are supposed to be reporters, not propagandists!


  1. Good god, if this was Bush or any Republican President with the record of lies, policy failures and blatant disregard for anything constitutional, could you comprehend the howling from the so called MSM? Impeachment and prison would probably have already occurred!

  2. Even the idea of an unbiased and impartial media in today's world is so outside of reality that it's almost laughable. You can switch from Fox to MSNBC, see the exact same story being reported, and see two entirely different sides of the coin. It's also pathetic just how many jabs Obama takes at Fox, just because they actually report the news as it really should be? Because they speak out against a man hellbent on his own legacy?
