Disrupting the Narrative of the New Left, its allies in Academia, Hollywood and the Establishment Media, and examining with honesty the goals of cultural Marxism and the dangers of reactionary and abusive political correctness.
“Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.” -George Orwell
Thursday, June 30, 2016
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
'Forced to endure hell' - A severe new report on human trafficking
ACLU targets grants for pro-life groups that aid migrants
The Trouble With Anti-Christian Secularist Witch Hunts
When Islamists and Secularists Agree
Chinese Church Conundrum: Why Did Bishop Ma Recant?
What do Catholics and Eastern Orthodox disagree about, anyway?
Mass-Going Women Are Far Less Likely to Commit Suicide, New Study Finds
L.A. archdiocese launches Angelus News in a missionary spirit
10 things Michael Cook gets wrong in his criticism of papal critics
10 Great Books About Priests
The Vanishing United States
9 Polish Catholic heroes you need to meet
A cinematic lesson in hope
St. Thomas More and the Birth of New Hollywood
St. Thomas More: Defender of Christendom
— FrSteveGrunow (@FrSteveGrunow) June 30, 2016
Good Morning!! May we turn to the Lord at all times! pic.twitter.com/n26Bc9vnFk— ArchdioceseBaltimore (@archbalt) June 30, 2016
Religious liberty is more than the freedom to privately worship or pray. #Fortnight4Freedom— Bishop Paul Loverde (@Bishop_Loverde) June 30, 2016
If you could, please say a small prayer for our soldiers today! I'm sure they could use the extra grace. pic.twitter.com/c6SyPemKkC— Crystalina Evert (@CrystalinaEvert) June 30, 2016
— WYD English (@wyd_en) June 30, 2016
Priest who formerly attended @KenrickGlennon, moves yet another step closer to sainthood! https://t.co/niLB2u7cG0 pic.twitter.com/d8ycHSaFdM— St. Louis Review (@StLouis_Review) June 30, 2016
The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
The History of the Scapular
What is Our Answer to Life's One Question?
Our Lady of Guadalupe and the New Evangelization
Today's Mass Readings
Egypt: New Attacks on Christians
Al Qaeda wants their lone wolves to be sure to attack white, heterosexual targets
The Case for More Concealed Handguns
Desperate America
L.A. Police charge gay You Tube star with filing false report of attack
In DC you can now be fined for not using transgender pronouns such as "ze" and "zir"
Christian Pessimism, Christian Realism
The New Jacobin Normal
Americans are Losing Confidence In the Supreme Court
Sansa Stark's Feminine Strength Distinguishes Her Character
anti-Christian bigotry,
Game of Thrones,
hate-crime hoaxes,
Second Amendment,
Yesterday's Headlines Today
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Istanbul Airport Attack Is Part of Islamist War on Turkey's Modernist Population
The Artlessness of War: Don't Name Thy Enemy
Two Members of Congress Accused of Muslim Brotherhood Ties
Gay Man Who Wants Gun Control Threatens to Shoot GOP Senator
Warmist Guru Michael Mann Tells DNC to Use Scary Propaganda, Not Science, to Push Flawed Theory
Whole Woman's Health: Justice Thomas Exposes the Court's Corrupt Abortion Jurisprudence
College Counselor: Being Pro-Life an 'Assault'
Has Judge Richard Posner Committed an Impeachable Offense?
The Governor of Rio Fears That Olympics Could Be a Big Failure
Myths and Europeans
LIFE NEWS: JUNE 29, 2016
Planned Parenthood Targets Blacks, Hispanics For Abortion, SCOTUS Just Let That Continue...
SCOTUS Decision an "Ominous Sign" That Could Force Doctors to Do Abortions
Hillary Holds Swanky Campaign Fundraiser With Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards
Hillary: "I Will Always Stand With Planned Parenthood," It Does "Extraordinary Things"
Media Silent as Democrats Hold Up Bill to Combat Zika Virus Over Planned Parenthood Funding
Democrat Chuck Schumer: Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz "Can Stop Spread of Zika Virus"
United Way Sent $3 Million to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in 2015
Kermit Gosnell Files Complaint for "Sensationalizing" How He Snipped Babies Necks in Abortions
Celebrity Skank Chelsea Handler Defends Her Abortions: "I Never Think 'God I Wish I Had That Baby'"
Photos of Dying Nun, Smiling and Serene Despite a Devastating Cancer, Go Viral. Here's Why...
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
Pope Francis mourns victims of 'heinous' attack on Istanbul airport
No Exit (from Islam)
'An ominous sign' - Supreme Court refuses to hear Washington religious freedom case
Traditionalists spurn deal with Rome, charging 'painful confusion'
SSPX clarifies: Canonical recognition not its primary concern
Clarity and Depth From Aquinas Needed in Catholic Education Today
Pan-Orthodox Council: Russian Absence Saves Ecumenical Patriarchate's Status...for Now
For Thailand Catholics, God's mercy exceeds limits of illness
6 Catholic Books for Your Summer Reading
#MakeAMusicGroupCatholic: The Best Tweets on the Newest Trending Hashtag
Author Says a New Religion Persecutes Christians
The Unspoken Tragedy of the Orlando Massacre
Blaming Christianity for Islamic Terrorism
Why Christians are Blamed for Islamic Terrorism
Beyond Radical Secularism
St Peter and St Paul, the two pillars of the church founded by Christ, pray for us, inspire us to love Christ more. pic.twitter.com/jovLpdeZsd— Fr. Patrick Brennan (@Pathound) June 29, 2016
Happy Feast of St Peter and St Paul - we pray for the ministry of @Pontifex and apostolic journey to #Poland pic.twitter.com/AWr2xAQPE9— WYD English (@wyd_en) June 29, 2016
— Fr. Larry Richards (@FrLarryRichards) June 29, 2016
Saints Peter and Paul, where would we be without you? Thank you! Pray for us.— Bishop David Ricken (@BpDavidRicken) June 29, 2016
Saints Peter and Paul, pillars of the Church, pray for us! pic.twitter.com/aXqmE3swya— ApostleshipOfPrayer (@aposprayer) June 29, 2016
— DC Archdiocese (@WashArchdiocese) June 29, 2016
Today, we celebrate the solemnity of St. Peter the Apostle, and St. Paul the teacher of the Gentiles. #prayforus pic.twitter.com/MNEFmoVL1l— Archdiocese of TO (@archtoronto) June 29, 2016
Today we ask Sts. Peter and Paul to pray especially for the victims of all the past week's terror attacks. #TwGOD pic.twitter.com/VctxKo2a5A— Tweeting with GOD (@TweetingwGOD) June 29, 2016
Imperfect men, seized by the Word of God and set on fire by Holy Spirit. https://t.co/TSL8a25wLK #Fortnight4Freedom pic.twitter.com/T0j1u8Kfpa— US Catholic Bishops (@USCCB) June 29, 2016
Happy #Feastday #StsPeter&Paul: “Both #apostles share the same feast day, for these two were one.” #StAugustine pic.twitter.com/6evuDM642e— Portraits of Saints (@SaintPortraits) June 29, 2016
Sts. Peter & Paul, pray for us! May the peace of Christ reach the whole world. #prayforpeace #PrayForInstanbul pic.twitter.com/KMYAOW6heg— N. Catholic Register (@NCRegister) June 29, 2016
Today, on the Solemnity of St. Peter & St. Paul, let us give thanks for our faith, and pray for our priests and our Holy Father @Pontifex.— Bishop Kevin Farrell (@Bishop_Farrell) June 29, 2016
#DailyReading: "Simon #Peter said in reply, 'You are the #Christ, the Son of the living God.'” -Mt 16:16 #Solemnity pic.twitter.com/YATAL4pjas— Catholic Apostolate (@CathApostleCtr) June 29, 2016
Happy 65th Anniversary of your Priestly Ordination, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI! pic.twitter.com/12I9tx9r4t— iCatholicRadio (@iCatholicRadio) June 29, 2016
Today we celebrate the #FeastDay of Saints Peter & Paul. #StsPeterandPaul #pray4us Photo: Apse of @StJoseph_BK pic.twitter.com/qQk8DxSt2Z— St. Joseph Cathedral (@StJoseph_BK) June 29, 2016
St. Peter and St. Paul, pray for us! pic.twitter.com/9FdBT6IQzq— CatholicLink English (@catholiclink_en) June 29, 2016
— Carmelite Sisters (@CarmelitesOCD) June 29, 2016
Remember to pray for continued religious freedom & find a way to celebrate it. #52weeksofmercy #FortnightforFreedom pic.twitter.com/0yDaUsEapg— Catholic Connection (@cathconnection) June 29, 2016
Peter&Paul would say that what we’re really celebrating is the Power of the Resurrection of #Jesus Christ which can utterly transform lives.— Cardinal Dolan (@CardinalDolan) June 29, 2016
Let us pray for and support vocations to the priesthood. May God bless all who are discerning. #Catholic 👍😇🇻🇦⛪ pic.twitter.com/OO54RH0e5u— FrRichardGonzales ن (@fr_gonzales) June 29, 2016
#StsPeterandPaul show us the work of the Holy Spirit, who renews hearts, and testifies to Christ. @USCCB pic.twitter.com/liWK1YIoJi— Diocese of Albany (@AlbanyDiocese) June 29, 2016
"Pray for us, holy Apostles Peter and Paul, 'pillars' of God's Church!" - JPII #feastday #StsPeterandPaul #catholic pic.twitter.com/YRrAnaqWxe— John Paul II Shrine (@JP2Shrine) June 29, 2016
Happy Anniversary Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI! pic.twitter.com/fNnyqqIm4l— ImmaculateHeartMusic (@ImmaculateHM) June 29, 2016
When St. Paul corrected St. Peter: https://t.co/DtxslkR6nk— Coming Home Network (@chnetwork) June 30, 2016
Peter in Jail - Five Facts of Faith We Learn from His Story - https://t.co/g7FNE5RGlx— Msgr. Charles Pope (@MsgrPope) June 30, 2016
Saints Peter and Paul, Co-founders of the Church
When They Found the Bones of St. Peter
5 Protestants Who Surprisingly Defended Mary's Perpetual Virginity
7 Ways to Honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Today's Mass Readings
Brutal: New Ad Destroys Rubio's Likely Dem Opponent Over Fake Accomplishments
Benghazi report details Obama/Clinton failures before, during and after deadly attacks
More Benghazi report: Hillary aide influenced Accountability Review Board
5 Big Takeaways From The House Benghazi Report
Why Our Leaders Won't Name the Enemy
Every Town Has An Honest Muslim
One Week After Orlando, Democrats Feature Anti-Gay Imam at Banquet
German Migrant Hostel Torched by Muslims in Ramadan Dispute
Turkey: A Thuggish Ramadan
A Free Society Is The Common Enemy Of Radical Islam And The Left
The Mau-Mauing of Justice Kennedy
Obergefell and the New Gnosticism
Christians Can No Longer Be Pharmacists
The Dark Pessimism of American Christians
Mary Eberstadt's Analysis of the Dangerous Religion of Secular Progressivism
Rape Culture And Hookup Culture Are Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Abortion Humor Isn't Funny, But It Sure Is Revealing
UK After Brexit: What Is The Charter Of The Land?
Brexit Signifies The Downfall Of The Arrogant, So-Called Experts
Watch: Brexit Architect Nigel Farage Curb-Stomps The Entire EU Parliament
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Select Committee Releases Benghazi Report
New Clinton Emails Include Dozens of Documents She Failed to Turn Over to State Department
The McDonnell case: Another Study In Criminal Law As Democrat Partisan warfare
Dem Lawmaker Who Voted Against Welfare Anti-Fraud Protections Indicted For Felony Food Stamp Fraud
House Sit-in: Dems Jump the Shark
Gun Control Is the New Jim Crow
Bet on the Baltimore Police Show Trials Continuing
SCOTUS Hearts Kermit Gosnell
Opinion Polls or Propaganda?
Why Trump Frightens the GOP Illuminati
LIFE NEWS: JUNE 28, 2016
Supreme Court Allows State to Force Pro-Life Pharmacists to Sell Abortion Pills
Senate Dems Block Bill to Combat Zika Virus... Because It Doesn't Fund Planned Parenthood
Supreme Court Blocks Mississippi Pro-Life Law That Could Have Closed Its Last Abortion Clinic
Some Texas Abortion Clinics Will Remain Closed Despite Supreme Court Ruling
Sandra Fluke: "Next Fight" for Abortion Activists is Forcing Americans to Pay for Abortions
Democrat Party Platform Calls for Forcing Americans to Pay for Abortions
20 Craziest Pro-Abortion Signs At SCOTUS the Media Won't Show You
Pro-Life Group Backs Trump: "We Applaud His List of Pro-Life Candidates for Supreme Court"
Abortionist Complains More Women are Not Able to Abort Their Babies
Celebrity Skank Chelsea Handler: I Had Two Abortions at Age 16, Aborting My Babies Was "Thoughtful"
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
SCOTUS Overturns Texas Abortion Restrictions in Landmark Decision
California Gender-Identity Bill Threatens Catholic Colleges
The Pope is Right for the Wrong Reasons
An Apologia for Deviancy?
Miami archbishop faults rush to blame Catholicism for Islamic terror attack in Orlando
Istanbul: The horror this time
Pope Emeritus Benedict: 65 Years a Priest
This 400 year-old saint's story won big at a Rome film festival
He escaped Vietnam on a fishing boat, and now he's a bishop
Fathers: The Great Adventurers of the Modern World
Regret Isn't Rare: The Dangerous Lie of Sex Change Surgery's Success
10 spectacular and little known churches to see in Rome
Brexit and the Failure of Europe
Revisiting the Catholic Enlightenment
Francis Fatigue
St Irenaeus, in keeping with his name, was a man of peace; he fought strenuously for the peace of the Church. pic.twitter.com/wgPZvbzsgf— Fr. Patrick Brennan (@Pathound) June 28, 2016
St. Irenaeus, pray for us! #memorial pic.twitter.com/avHJhO24B9— Archdiocese of TO (@archtoronto) June 28, 2016
The Lord is so generous, why would you not want to get to know Him? #Catholic pic.twitter.com/xp0YVCFHhD— FrRichardGonzales ن (@fr_gonzales) June 28, 2016
Happy 65th Anniversary of B16's ordination to the priesthood! What a gift he is to our Church and to the world. pic.twitter.com/FkTrIw5vMJ— CatholicNH (@CatholicNH) June 28, 2016
Faith and the God-given Purpose Behind It - https://t.co/oubrGzqByN— Fr. Roger Landry (@FrRogerLandry) June 28, 2016
Find something good in each person you meet and help it grow. - Matthew Kelly pic.twitter.com/YAJEnFZUKS— TweetCatholic (@TweetCatholic) June 28, 2016
This week's challenge honors Fortnight for Freedom. #52weeksofmercy #StThomasMorePrayforUs #FortnightforFreedom pic.twitter.com/aaRam96ZKS— Catholic Connection (@cathconnection) June 28, 2016
What does the symbol of the P with an X through the bottom of it mean? https://t.co/GKnG9OSc0E pic.twitter.com/Fe7uifc1Fd— Catholic Answers (@catholiccom) June 28, 2016
— The Word Among Us (@wordamongus) June 28, 2016
...bodies in receiving the Eucharist, are no longer corruptible, for they have the hope of resurrection— St John Cantius (@SJCantius) June 28, 2016
-St Irenaeus pic.twitter.com/UmBG7Bb91p
Happy 65th Anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI ordination to the priesthood! #pray4us pic.twitter.com/zDHMu4Ck5J— DC Archdiocese (@WashArchdiocese) June 28, 2016
St. Irenaeus: Bishop and Father of the Church
Apologetics with St. Irenaeus
St. Irenaeus and the Gnostics
The Chastity, Mercy, and Love of Saint Maria Goretti
Today's Mass Readings
Obama Regime Refuses to Inform Congress of Islamic Terrorism in U.S.
Obama's Social Justice Department to Mandate 'Unconscious Bias' Training
Reality: Economy Slows to 1.1% Growth in First Quarter of 2016
FLOTUS Michelle Antoinette Wears $1,750 Designer Dress on Africa Visit
Watchdog: House Democrats Violated Ethics Rules During Gun Control Sit-In Farce
Feds Spent More on Soap Operas, Obesity Rap Songs, Hotel Shower Monitoring Than Benghazi Committee
Clinton: I Know 'Just A Little Bit About Commodities and Trading'
MSNBC: Uncomfortable to Watch Warren Shred Wall Street With Clinton Standing Right There
Fauxcahontas: Elizabeth Warren's Top Donors Include Lobbyists and Other Corporate Shills
Farage to EU: 'I Know That Virtually None of You Have Ever Done a Proper Job in Your Lives'
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