Disrupting the Narrative of the New Left, its allies in Academia, Hollywood and the Establishment Media, and examining with honesty the goals of cultural Marxism and the dangers of reactionary and abusive political correctness.
“Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.” -George Orwell
Monday, November 30, 2015

Stop Blaming Pro-Lifers For The Colorado Springs Shooting
3 Examples Of Media Hypocrisy On Political Rhetoric And Gun Violence
The Irony Of Planned Parenthood Condemning Murder
Carly Fiorina Shows How To Respond To Planned Parenthood Shooting
Fiorina Rips 'Delusional' Obama For Thinking Climate Talks Will Stop ISIS
3 U.S. Refugee Laws Everyone Forgets
There's Hope For Female Suicide Bombers
Mizzou Is What Happens When We Allow Too Much Privacy
Why Moms, Like College Students, Can't Handle Criticism
The State Dept. Redacted All Of Hillary's 'Achievements' As Secretary Of State


The Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooter is Not Pro-Life and Pro-Life People are Not Extremists
Media Hypocrites: Pro-Lifers "Inflamed People" and "Created Environment" for Planned Parenthood Shooting
Planned Parenthood CEO Blames Pro-Lifers for Colorado Shooting: They're "Hateful"
Hillary Clinton Slams Pro-Lifers After Shooting: Support Planned Parenthood, Don't Attack It
After Planned Parenthood Shooting, Ben Carson Says Pro-Life People Use "Hateful Rhetoric"
Carly Fiorina: Blaming Pro-Lifers for Planned Parenthood Shooting is a "Typical Left-Wing Tactic"
Planned Parenthood Pushes Abortion at Shooting Memorial, Woman Walks Out: "We're Here to Mourn"
The View Blames Pro-Lifers for Colorado Shooting: Says Republican "Rhetoric" Responsible
Former Miss USA Dumps Tim Tebow Because He's Committed to Abstinence Until Marriage
Garrett Swasey's Last Sermon: Our Objective is to Bring Glory to God, Not Ourselves

EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
Pro-life groups condemn Planned Parenthood shooting, pray for victims
Abortion-related violence is not the pro-life movement's fault
Vatican Prosecutions of Journalists Generate Criticism, Questions
Pope calls Central African Christians, Muslims to unite against violence
Pope Francis to journalist's condom question: the problem is much bigger
Five Anti-Catholic Myths: Slavery, Crusades, Galileo, Inquisition, Holocaust
Did the Second Vatican Council Accomplish What It Set Out to Do?
"Catholic" Colleges in Trojan Condom Report Challenged to Defend Church Teaching
Shining a 'Spotlight' on Hollywood Duplicity and Bias
Catholic Festivity in a World Gone Bored


Newly built church in refugee camp lifts Christians' spirits in Iraq
Will You Say #iGiveCatholic This Giving Tuesday?
Mission abandoned: did we betray John XXIII's vision for Vatican II?
The Light in Meditations for Advent
Jesse Tree Ornaments Offer Opportunity for Advent Family Prayer
Looking forward to celebrating his feast tomorrow! St. Andrew, pray for us! pic.twitter.com/jlZDotI4ur
— Sister Andrew Marie (@SrAndrewFSP) November 29, 2015
At the threshold of Advent we find Saint Andrew, whose life and death show that all our actions must be oriented to the Christ who comes.
— Fr James Bradley (@FrJamesBradley) November 30, 2015
We celebrate the apostle St. Andrew, who gave his all to Christ. May he inspire us to follow Christ more closely. pic.twitter.com/mxUndlsG2a
— Fr. Patrick Brennan (@Pathound) November 30, 2015
Nov. 30 - Divine Office Hymns for the Memorial of St. Andrew, Apostle
https://t.co/BzrDImCN3U (Common of Apostles)
— Breviary Hymns (@kevinpshaw) November 30, 2015
May I accept my small sufferings and unite them with the cross of Christ. Blessed Feast of St. Andrew! pic.twitter.com/Ud1Ejd9LcL
— Sister Andrew Marie (@SrAndrewFSP) November 30, 2015
Saint Andrew, pray for us!
— A Catholic Soul (@ACatholicSoul) November 30, 2015
Today we honor Andrew the fisherman who in becoming an apostle of Jesus gave witness through his preaching and death.
— Fr Doug Halsema (@FrDougHalsema) November 30, 2015
Happy St. Andrew's Day pic.twitter.com/P3I7reyNmv
— Dean Clancy (@DeanClancy) November 30, 2015
St. Andrew, help us to introduce many people to Christ throughout our life.
— Bishop Barres (@BishopBarres) November 30, 2015
https://t.co/RRhEmjiOKy St. Andrew, apostle and martyr, pray for us! #Catholic pic.twitter.com/WV9jcKQGO9
— Catholic News Agency (@cnalive) November 30, 2015
Feast of St. Andrew, the Protokletos, the first called, Christ's Fisher of Men. Is God calling you to priesthood? pic.twitter.com/FoxybowKbs
— Diocesan Priest (@diocesanpriest) November 30, 2015
On this feast of Andrew, may we lead one another to follow Jesus, the Prince of Peace, as the Savior of the world. pic.twitter.com/G9p7YAONJn
— Timothy O'Malley (@NDLiturgyCenter) November 30, 2015
Like St. Andrew, may we follow Jesus without any delay nor reservations and help others to do the same.
— Bishop Burbidge (@BishopBurbidge) November 30, 2015
— EWTN (@EWTN) November 30, 2015
Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle
St. Andrew Christmas Novena Begins
Our Lady's Dowry: New Ordinariate Missal Makes History as Advent Begins
17th-century Nuns On the Run
Today's Mass Readings


The Selective Argument that Political Rhetoric Leads to Violence
In the Wake of Colorado Springs, the Left Continues a War on Its Opponents' Free Speech
In the Wake of the Planned Parenthood Shooting, We Need Prayer, Not Demagoguery
No, America Doesn't Have a "Christian Terrorism" Problem
Politically Correct Holy Rollers: The New Campus Revival
The Pathology of the Professors
The West's Self-Destructive Global-Warming Penance
The Climate-Change Distraction in Paris
Has the Cruz Campaign Alienated Endorsement Target Tim Huelskamp?
New E-mails Released Highlight Hillary Clinton's Post-Concussion Confusion


Joint Staff Warns: Islamic State Terrorists Travel to Europe Unimpeded
Pentagon Ordered to Counter Islamic State's...Propaganda
Warren Buffett-Funded Group Signs on as Democracy Alliance 'Partner'
Surprise: Hillary's Policy Proposals Total $1 Trillion in New Government Spending
Hillary's Pal, NY Dem Sheldon Silver, Found Guilty on Federal Charges of Fraud, Extortion
Ex-Congressman Who Blamed His Defeat on the Jews Joins Hillary's 'Leadership Team'
Wall Street Analyst: Clinton Foundation Failed to File Legally Required Audits
Yasss! Obama Signs Law With Pro-Gun Provisions
Dianne Feinstein Hits Obama Again: Islamic State 'Now In 12 Other Countries'
46 Times President Obama Told Americans 'That's Not Who We Are'

ObamaCare's woes will disrupt 2016 presidential race
Gun-banning Dems won't let the terror crisis go to waste
State Dept. set to release 7,800 new Clinton emails
Inevitable: Politically connected billionaire financier to campaign for multimillionaire candidate
Rep. Darrell Issa endorses Marco Rubio
Desperate Dems allege Rubio, Issa 'exploit' terror for 'political gain'
Herman Cain: 'Jeb! Bush has been doing nothing but losing'
Trump stumped? The Donald's Iowa problem
Tax plans collide: Cruz vs. Rubio
History returns, violently, in the Mediterranean and beyond

Did anyone who blames right-wing rhetoric for PP attack blame left-wing rhetoric for Family Research Council attack? https://t.co/hmGe7dFdBW
— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) November 29, 2015
I wish someone on the left would explain why rhetoric is a driving factor in violence against Planned Parenthood but not in attacks on cops.
— Michael Freeman (@michaelpfreeman) November 30, 2015
"Censor your political arguments, lest you set off a crazy person" forces us all to live within the madman's mind. https://t.co/9yHndweKZ9
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) November 30, 2015
"Stop all killing at Planned Parenthood Clinics!" https://t.co/NAwG4ZON58
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) November 30, 2015
— Eric Spratling (@ericspratling) November 30, 2015
@hughhewitt @instapundit @CBSNews Now every major news outlet will use those exact words & cite CBS as the source. Major News is the enemy
— Common Sense (@Paine_1776) November 30, 2015
That's so weird how once again there's not an ounce of daylight between @ppact PR and our major media. Almost a pattern.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) November 30, 2015
— F. Bill McMorris (@FBillMcMorris) November 30, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Coming of Advent
Preparing Our Hearts for Advent
Welcome Advent Into Our Deepest Void
Jesus, the Branch
Is "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" Anti-Semitic?
First Sunday of Advent:
He who "alone is the Holy One" does not wish to be the Holy One alone. pic.twitter.com/poEpm3k2lK
— Amigo de Frodo (@bpdflores) November 29, 2015
On the First Sunday of Advent, reflect on God's merciful love: https://t.co/UCiuciOVVX pic.twitter.com/FhVMDzPSey
— LoyolaPress (@loyolapress) November 29, 2015
1st Sunday of Advent: a new year to wait for the Lord with courage, hope and vigilance and help others to do the very same. Pray always!
— Bishop David Kagan (@VescovoDDK) November 29, 2015
"Advent is here. What a marvelous time in which to renwe your desire.." #dailyeSpiration from St. Josemaría Excrivá pic.twitter.com/L6AUejj27e
— Steubenville (@go2steubenville) November 29, 2015
It’s the First Sunday of #Advent! Bless your Advent wreath. Sing “O Come Emmanuel” and light the first candle. https://t.co/YMZKMRkq4i
— US Catholic Bishops (@USCCB) November 29, 2015
Today is the 1st Sunday of #Advent- check out this calendar fm @usccb to follow along: https://t.co/AssrPMUcFN pic.twitter.com/N9pvjfwAey
— MICatholicConference (@MICatholicConf) November 29, 2015
Wishing a holy and blessed advent to all ❤ pic.twitter.com/W9l1TqXTMy
— †Catholic Defender (@AwakeDeborah) November 29, 2015
"Advent is a journey toward Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man." - Pope Francis
— Immaculate Heart (@ihradio) November 29, 2015
"O Come, O Come Emmanuel." An Advent true story, reflection and prayer for priests. https://t.co/CdDJ0UEPhA
— Adopt-a-Priest (@adopt_a_priest) November 29, 2015
A blessed First Sunday of Advent! O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!
— Cardinal Dolan (@CardinalDolan) November 29, 2015
Advent calls us to vigilance: that silence in which everything happens and from which the Word is born #homilytweet
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) November 29, 2015
Today is the 1st Sunday of #Advent, the beginning of the Church's liturgical year. pic.twitter.com/B0AMtmLvgU
— Franciscan Friars (@MFVAFriars) November 29, 2015
10 Tips for a Peace-Filled Advent
Advent Brings Angels: As Real as Radio Waves
4 Ways to Bring Mary and Joseph Into Your Advent
Mary & The Advent of God's Healing Mercy
Today's Mass Readings


O God, by whose word all things are sanctified, pour forth Thy blessing upon this wreath, and grant that we who use it may prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ and may receive from Thee abundant graces. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.In the beginning was the Word: and the Word was with God: and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him: and without him was made nothing that was made. In him was life: and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness: and the darkness did not comprehend it.
Out of Sion the loveliness of his beauty. God shall come manifestly: our God shall come, and shall not keep silence. A fire shall burn before him: and a mighty tempest shall be round about him. He shall call heaven from above, and the earth, to judge his people. Gather ye together his saints to him: who set his covenant before sacrifices.
Give to the king thy judgment, O God: and to the king's son thy justice: To judge thy people with justice, and thy poor with judgment. Let the mountains receive peace for the people: and the hills justice. He shall judge the poor of the people, and he shall save the children of the poor: and he shall humble the oppressor. And he shall continue with the sun, and before the moon, throughout all generations. He shall come down like rain upon the fleece; and as showers falling gently upon the earth. In his days shall justice spring up, and abundance of peace, till the moon be taken sway. And all kings of the earth shall adore him: all nations shall serve him. For he shall deliver the poor from the mighty: and the needy that had no helper. He shall spare the poor and needy: and he shall save the souls of the poor. He shall redeem their souls from usuries and iniquity: and their names shall be honorable in his sight. And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Arabia, for him they shall always adore: they shall bless him all the day.

Thursday, November 26, 2015
Did Rubio deal a mortal blow to ObamaCare?
Turkey-Russia Turmoil
Oh, by the way: The State Dept. says Iran didn't sign the nuclear deal and it isn't legally binding...
Why Can't We Talk About Islam Honestly?
Obama's New Counter-Terrorism Guru: George W. Bush
The Syrian 'Drought' That Created Islamic State Is an Urban Myth
Islamic State Radicalizes 'Thousands' in United States
Media That Claimed Bush Chilled Speech Strangely Quiet Under Obama
Campus radicals provide an opportunity to defend the foundations of the West
Thought Terminated: Kafka at Kansas University

Wednesday, November 25, 2015
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
Challenges and Ambiguities at the World Congress on Education
Did Pope Francis Say 'Don't Proselytize'?
Pope Francis in Kenya: no matter what our divisions, we must work for peace
Let's Stop the Falsehoods About Live Action
Cardinal Newman on Vatican II
Focusing on the Christ Child this Advent
In Advent, We Can Do Small Things with Great Love
Historic Day for Catholics of Anglican Heritage As Pope Francis Names First Ordinariate Bishop
Priest Scandal Movie: Painful, Disturbing, and Surprisingly Fair
Evangelize through sports? One bishop and marathon veteran explains how


"By the goodness of God, we are so far from want…": A Thanksgiving Homily
ISIS, Liberal Democracy, and the Holy Catholic Church: A Call to Arms
Why You Should Read St. Gregory of Tours
Major changes coming for Roman Curia
Of Decadence, Catholicism, & Duck Confit
Mosaics from the church of my childhood, Sacred Heart and St Catherine of Alexandria, Droitwich, worth a trip! pic.twitter.com/GdLbxqKIhK
— Shhhhhuknowwho (@Mystifiedmum) November 25, 2015
St Catherine of Alexandria (whose feast is today) appeared with Our Lady & St Cecilia to St Dominic https://t.co/Vi2A57iexf
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) November 25, 2014
Medieval statue from Fribourg Cathedral of today's saint, Catherine of Alexandria, patron of philosophers http://t.co/HPFHHI98mi
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) November 25, 2013
St. Catherine of Alexandria, help this Catherine living in a very different Alexandria also become a saint #FeastDay pic.twitter.com/5Y2dO2g6iG
— Catherine Szeltner (@CatSzeltner) November 25, 2015
https://t.co/LPBL8oYlm2 St. Catherine of Alexandria, pray for us! #Catholic pic.twitter.com/ldWErBGBSx
— Catholic News Agency (@cnalive) November 25, 2015
St. Catherine of Alexandria painted by Caravaggio. She is the patron of students and teachers. May she pray for us! pic.twitter.com/LVEYkIaRwz
— Franciscan U (@FranciscanU) November 25, 2015
— EWTN (@EWTN) November 25, 2015
St Catherine of Alexandria, patroness of philosophers & preachers: pray for the Order of Preachers! https://t.co/swI4yoe9Fv
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) November 25, 2014
St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Catherine of Alexandria: A Guide in Our Call as Christian Witnesses
The Evolving Legacy of Pius XII: 15 Questions for Ronald J. Rychlak
10 Handmade Christmas Gifts From Monks and Nuns
Today's Mass Readings

Syrians are a Nation of Anti-American Terrorist Supporters
Muslim Migration Talking Points for Social Justice Warriors
Germans Opposed to Mass Muslim Migration are "Free to Leave"
Campus Fascists and the Suppression of Academic Free Speech
The New Dignity: Gnostic, Elitist, Self-Destructive Will-to-Power
Campus Race Hustlers' Demands Will Actually Hurt Asians
Feminist Teacher's Lesson Plan: Discriminate against Boys
Hillary Clinton's Denialism Is The Other Extreme Of Trump's Rhetoric On Islam
Clinton: U.S. Should Fund Abortions Around the World as a Method of "Family Planning"
Olivia Pope's Abortion On 'Scandal' Wasn't Brave

NATO member Turkey shot down a Russian Su-24 on the Syria-Turkey border; Pilots captured by rebels?
More complicated now. Russian SU-24 bomber shot down by Turkey. pic.twitter.com/U96OOeO8Kl
Graphic video shows #Syria rebels with a dead jet pilot, almost certainly a Russian judging by clothing & equipment: pic.twitter.com/EymcjUJh2d
— Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) November 24, 2015
Putin unloads on 'ally of the terrorists' Turkey; Calls downing of jet a 'stab in the back'
Downing of #Russia jet by #Turkey a 'stab in the back': #Putin
https://t.co/n7Spkmx2NT pic.twitter.com/KXryojKxlJ
— ST Foreign Desk (@STForeignDesk) November 24, 2015
What are you thankful for this year? Answer: Not spending 'Thanksgiving with anybody who writes for ThinkProgress'
If you buy a turkey raised near where you live, the weather will get cooler. THIS IS SCIENCE!!! https://t.co/5Y3F2rme14
— James Taranto (@jamestaranto) November 24, 2015
'Full of morons': DNC tries to politicize Thanksgiving, cries 'unclw'
Nice spellcheck here @TheDemocrats -- unclW. pic.twitter.com/jzXtSjdBPn
— Michael Barbaro (@mikiebarb) November 24, 2015
@Hadas_Gold @AsheSchow
"How long do I have to wait until I get to call my unclw a racist?" pic.twitter.com/F4xZf6yowr
— Beorn (@Beorn2000) November 24, 2015
Just keep in mind that if your uncle lost his insurance because of @TheDemocrats he might punch you https://t.co/NRdssCo3xm
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) November 24, 2015
Paul Krugman blog post includes photo of White House situation room with photoshopped cat
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) November 24, 2015
'Solar panels will stop ISIS!!': President Obama ties attendance at global warming talks in Paris to defeating ISIS
Reagan: "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall"
Obama: "What a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be" to hold climate summit.
— Charles Sykes (@SykesCharlie) November 24, 2015
POTUS quotes Emma Lazarus; Not quite yet calling for the Statue of Liberty to be torn down
@TheH2 I'd be willing to consider going back to 1886 immigration if we go back to the 1886 version of the Constitution.
— Drew McCoy (@DrewMTips) November 24, 2015
'Go get 'em'! NRO's Kat Timpf is 'NOT SORRY' for pissing off 'totally insane' Star Wars fans
I'M NOT SORRY "I Will Not Apologize for Making a Joke About Star Wars https://t.co/06JOssMwqP via @NRO"
— Katherine Timpf (@KatTimpf) November 24, 2015
'Can we send her to find out?' Hillary says she believes in aliens
@danmericaCNN @benshapiro well I'm sure none of them are being investigated by the FBI.... So there's that.
— Janus Twain (@JanusTwain) November 24, 2015
Suspended CNN reporter had tweet-on-request relationship with State Department?
"even though that's not entirely true." pic.twitter.com/kNcTs2HMX1
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) November 25, 2015
Sweet gig. pic.twitter.com/6n41Ktt1d1
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) November 25, 2015
Nice doing business with you. pic.twitter.com/hVsYcN7UqH
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) November 25, 2015
and here it is --> https://t.co/9ALDMiwuYy
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) November 25, 2015
@eliselabottcnn Coordinating your tweets with state dept officials? Nice "journalist" you have here, @CNN.
— Rolled Doll (@RolledDoll) November 25, 2015

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