.@HillaryClinton's support for the #IranDeal shows she cannot be trusted to support Israel. #DayOne pic.twitter.com/sIV41cKRYr
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) August 31, 2015
Governor @ScottWalker just added another big name to his all-star team in Virginia: former VA AG Jerry Kilgore. http://t.co/IQnhjJVCIL
— Grassroots 4 Walker (@Roots4Walker) August 31, 2015
Walker Unloads on Bush in New Ad: Targeting the GOP's top money raiser http://t.co/le3pS5YAU2
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) August 31, 2015
Governor Walker welcomes former Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore to #Walker16 Team: http://t.co/QHjO9BE8px
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) August 31, 2015
Scott Walker: Obama's Iran deal is "a horrible deal." WATCH: https://t.co/3eGPULiX0h #Walker16
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) August 31, 2015
#Walker16: New @ScottWalker web video highlights commitment to terminate bad #IranDeal "On Day One" --> https://t.co/ztvd7P9wUV
— Mike Adam (@MikeAdamLI) August 31, 2015
NEW VIDEO: Governor Walker is committed on #DayOne to terminating this bad deal with #Iran.
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) August 31, 2015
.@MarcACaputo over $100 million qualifies one for frontrunner status
— Kirsten Kukowski (@kakukowski) August 31, 2015
.@murphymike problem is @JebBush shouldn't need to consult with a committee before ripping up this horrible deal. https://t.co/ESxaiqJMtb
— Rick Wiley (@rick_wiley) August 31, 2015
On Day One Ad http://t.co/p2njEQoJJe via @youtube #Walker16 #scpol #sctweets #iacaucus #nhpolitics #fits #fitn #tcot #ScottWalker16
— Sam Vetter (@thesamvetter) August 31, 2015
The time to act is now. We must end this bad #IranDeal. Add your name >> http://t.co/Q87TTsctc9 pic.twitter.com/eDiGbKUi6p
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) August 31, 2015
As Adversaries Test America, We Need a Leader Who Is Tested http://t.co/cTRuVZBXZl via @thenatlinterest #Walker16 #scpol #sctweets #tcot
— Sam Vetter (@thesamvetter) August 31, 2015
Grab a signed copy of Scott Walker's book "Unintimidated" while supplies last. BUY: http://t.co/Z3KjfdHXIV pic.twitter.com/PADUdgs1oG
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) August 31, 2015
From @robertcobrien: As Adversaries Test America, We Need a Leader Who Is Tested http://t.co/hdxTnWzobC via @thenatlinterest
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) August 31, 2015
We defunded Planned Parenthood even before these vile videos came out. Defund them nationwide: http://t.co/ceXjOsz8Hl pic.twitter.com/5jMfRyOyBM
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) August 31, 2015
.@ScottWalker spox says, "Despite the attempts of some to put words in his mouth" Walker is not advocating for building Canadian wall
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) August 31, 2015
.@ScottWalker spox says re: northern border: "Based on what he's hearing from people there are security concerns that need to be addressed"
— Scott Bauer (@sbauerAP) August 31, 2015
.@ScottWalker to stop at Pemi-Baker GOP meet/greet, Plymouth common, 9/6 as part of 10-county motorcycle tour of NH #fitn #nhpolitics #WMUR
— John DiStaso (@jdistaso) August 31, 2015
Double up on your #Walker16 support with our two sticker deal: http://t.co/Y9tq4MWo4t pic.twitter.com/k0feS4SRZy
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) August 31, 2015
The best part is you know he'll do it. https://t.co/xj76VxLjtk
— Matt Cover (@MattCover) August 31, 2015
Scott Walker does not back down from the tough fights and challenges. http://t.co/MrCcOIUNEU #Walker16
— Unintimidated (@Unintimidated16) August 31, 2015
No GOP candidate is as tested as @ScottWalker. Makes the choice pretty easy. http://t.co/gJOyXxwkTX
— Matt Cover (@MattCover) August 31, 2015
No, @ScottWalker didn't call for a Canadian Border wall. The MSM made that up. http://t.co/tj5XSChbM3
— Matt Cover (@MattCover) August 31, 2015
@sahilkapur That cuts Chuck's question in half-why? See the full question & answer. Walker even says, "wasn't just about building a wall.."
— Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) August 31, 2015
— Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) August 31, 2015
About 150 more of @HillaryClinton's emails have been designated as containing classified information. - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) August 31, 2015
This is not an email scandal. It's a national security scandal. @HillaryClinton put her own interests ahead of America's. - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) August 31, 2015
New Walker ad goes after Bush http://t.co/O5rVDokYfV via @DCExaminer #Walker16 #scpol #sctweets #iacaucus #nhpolitics #tcot #fits #fitn #gop
— Sam Vetter (@thesamvetter) August 31, 2015
"American leadership is back and together with our allies, we will not surrender another inch of ground." #DayOne
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 1, 2015
"Walker defends record, declares he's tested" >> http://t.co/VTYl0HmKvz in @Politico
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 1, 2015
Stopped by @MattWalkerwi's apartment on campus & had late dinner at Miss Katie's Diner with him. - SW
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 1, 2015
Completely false. In fact, WAPOST changed their story yesterday to reflect that reality. http://t.co/yRQWUKINER https://t.co/RPLvhAmy9x
— Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) September 1, 2015
Had a beer with @MattWalkerWI & some of his pals on campus. - SW pic.twitter.com/yTrUzIq6SG
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) September 1, 2015
This is really lame/a lie. https://t.co/vzDhNe0V7Q
— Ellen L. Carmichael (@ellencarmichael) September 1, 2015
.@KemberleeKaye: No, Walker did not call for building a wall at the Canadian border. http://t.co/FD8Ogtpaz2
— Ellen L. Carmichael (@ellencarmichael) September 1, 2015