"I like breasts...just not mixed with my football" ~ @jimgeraghty on what he calls multitasking: https://t.co/CtinGmcDlo @BiasedGirl #TJAMS
— Jim and Mickey Show (@JimandMickey) January 31, 2015
Disrupting the Narrative of the New Left, its allies in Academia, Hollywood and the Establishment Media, and examining with honesty the goals of cultural Marxism and the dangers of reactionary and abusive political correctness.
“Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.” -George Orwell
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady and Coach Bill Belichick have spent a lot of time denying they had anything to do with Deflate-Gate. We don't know if these people are trying to protect Tom Brady, but already more than half a dozen people have come forward to claim responsibility... #IamTheLockerRoomGuy

Scott Walker: Washington offers 'false choices'
Next Step: Time for Scott Walker to get serious about foreign policy
Walker: How Might He Govern as President?
Is the 'Ready for Hillary' Narrative a Mirage?
American Crossroads takes aim at Hillary Clinton, stays out of GOP primary
Raging Bill: Martin Scorsese fights the Clinton mafia
The Left Realizes Too Late that Political Correctness Is a Virus
Yes, Political Correctness Really Exists
Political Correctness is Not Necessarily a Tempest in a Teapot
Eggsploitation: What We Don't Know Just Might Kill You

Friday, January 30, 2015
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
Can Christians survive the 'dirty games' of Middle East politics?
Missionary: Boko Haram behind attacks on churches, religious in Niger
Why We Need to Save the Catholic Schools
Religious Sisters' Continuing Impact on Catholic Education
Faculty Formation, Hiring Are Critical in Strengthening Catholic Schools, Says Archbishop
St. John Bosco: Conquering Souls for Christ
Wrecking Churches: Iconoclasm or Continuity?
Abortion, Torture, and the Juice-Box Theologians
Bergoglio's List: An Unexpected Discovery
"A Beautiful Work of the Holy Spirit"

While Obama Funds the Effort to Defeat Netanyahu in Israel's Parliamentary Elections...
…Iran Targets Netanyahu's Children for Assassination
Meanwhile... Buzz builds around Gov. Scott Walker
The Re-Re-Rebranding of Mitt Romney
Obama Wannabes: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio
The GOP's Long Love Affair With Schmucks
The Kobane victory and the hard work Obama is unwilling to do
Rep. Renee Ellmers: Putting Optics Ahead of Voters (and the Unborn)
The Political Correctness Cure
Just when you thought MSNBC had given up calling everyone racist…

The message of School Choice Week: 'Parents know better than bureaucrats'
Sen. Tim Scott rallies school choice supporters at the D.C. #scw event #SchoolChoice #amplifychoice pic.twitter.com/XtG5lmob9G
— Moriah Costa (@MoriahCosta) January 28, 2015
Rich families already have #schoolchoice. It's poor kids who need it most. Why are teachers unions selfishly standing in their way? #SCW
— Akash Chougule (@AkashJC) January 28, 2015
damn straight. #schoolchoice for all! RT @WatchdogEd: @swaffer_says Parents know better than bureaucrats. #amplifychoice
— Rachel Swaffer (@swaffer_says) January 28, 2015
What is #SchoolChoice? http://t.co/T0YfS7EUDE #SCW #AmplifyChoice pic.twitter.com/lgA9Uyaobi
— AFP Foundation (@AFPfoundation) January 28, 2015
#SchoolChoice is the most effective policy to raise earnings and combat inequality. http://t.co/ZIC03mgSS5 pic.twitter.com/W3rAoxFNtz
— Manhattan Institute (@ManhattanInst) January 28, 2015
This week is so incredibly important! We will keep fighting! #SchoolChoice
— Jeffrey Atwan (@JeffreyAtwan) January 29, 2015
'Humanity is an #epic #fail': Boko Haram deploys 'Islamist child soldiers'
Boko Haram maybe using "Islamist child soldiers," photos show. http://t.co/2rh9NhphEx pic.twitter.com/6ZHUoIjze2
— CNN International (@cnni) January 29, 2015
Nigeria: Amid its massacres of innocents, Boko Haram running training camps for child soldiers http://t.co/H9xbTWV43v pic.twitter.com/ODzPV4xgt7
— Think AgainTurn Away (@ThinkAgain_DOS) January 27, 2015
You won't believe the one important detail Charles Blow left out of his report on Yale police detaining his son
Charles Blow: At Yale, the Police Detained My Son http://t.co/XqQrkzSDbD This is why DeBlasio told his son Dante: Be careful near police.
— Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) January 26, 2015
Racial inequity in law enforcement: A cop draws gun on black Yale student--the son of my colleague @CharlesMBlow http://t.co/NeQcohDTlh
— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) January 26, 2015
Charles Blow's black son was held at gunpoint by Yale police — and he's furious about it: http://t.co/1NDrKB07R9 pic.twitter.com/oGFI2bHB2k
— Vox (@voxdotcom) January 26, 2015
Race Matters: NY Times Columnist Charles Blow Omits His Son Detained by (Black) Cop at Yale http://t.co/I8Gdj0XCcN
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) January 28, 2015
'How low can you go?' Here's how Cosmo's empowering women this Valentine's Day
Not Sure What to Get Him For Valentine's Day? How About a Chocolate Butthole http://t.co/g9h8QGOrQN pic.twitter.com/1wWUrx5xRc
— Cosmopolitan (@Cosmopolitan) January 29, 2015
@Cosmopolitan wtf
— emmy (@Emilyy_Lynnnn) January 29, 2015
Acronym of Chris Christie's PAC becomes a laughing matter
I may not be the first to notice - but someone in Christie world should have:
Christie's PAC
— Brad Woodhouse (@woodhouseb) January 29, 2015
'Wah Wah Wah'! It's official: Slate's seriously spooked by Scott Walker
@Slate @instapundit Worked for Obama, twice.
— DCinAZ (@DCinAZ) January 29, 2015
'We're in a dictatorship?' AP: Senate 'defying' WH by passing Keystone XL bill
With a smile, Sen. Majority Leader McConnell returns to his office as Keystone XL pipeline bill passes Senate 62-36 pic.twitter.com/hGyGhgCgwh
— M. Scott Mahaskey (@smahaskey) January 29, 2015
MORE: Republican-led Senate passes bill approving Keystone XL oil pipeline, defying White House: http://t.co/TJrnapLbN1
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 29, 2015
Defying white house? The white house isn't their boss, we are. @AP @colavs19
— TangoFoxtrot (@TFinn82) January 29, 2015
So much this. RT @charlescwcooke “Defying”? It’s the fucking legislature. MT @AP: Senate approves Keystone XL pipeline, defying White House.
— Stephen Green (@VodkaPundit) January 29, 2015
@TFinn82 @AP @colavs19 If only more media outlets realized this. Obama is the one defying... the people.
— Tommy Runyon (@tdrunyon77) January 29, 2015
ABC's Jon Karl presses WH about not calling the Taliban 'terrorists'
They act like terrorists, they kill like terrorists, but the WH does not call the Taliban terrorists http://t.co/BGV4bQGFOu
— Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) January 29, 2015
Great job the last couple of days. If only your peers would follow your example.
— CPE 1704 TKS (@mikepfingston2) January 29, 2015
'Who didn't see this coming?' Report: Gitmo detainee released in Bergdahl swap may have 'returned to fight'
The administration's Terrorist Catch-and-Release Program is a miserable failure.
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) January 29, 2015
Breaking:1 of the 5 detainees exchanged for Bergdahl may have returned to militant activities: http://t.co/oiHDDCD97x pic.twitter.com/lOTNaR8m3B
— The Situation Room (@CNNSitRoom) January 29, 2015
Senior US official confirms to @foxnews: one of #Taliban5 released in #Bergdahl prisoner swap has been making phone calls to #Taliban.
— Jennifer Griffin (@JenGriffinFNC) January 29, 2015
It's a good thing the Taliban aren't terrorists, otherwise this might be bad. http://t.co/gCocRjNq6c
— Michael Weiss (@michaeldweiss) January 29, 2015
Going 'all Gran Torino': John McCain sees red when Code Pinkos show up
Not a McCain fan, but I enjoyed watching him go all Gran Torino on that protestor.
— jon gabriel (@exjon) January 29, 2015
Grumpy old man - 1. Protesters - 0 RT @WashTimes: John #McCain to anti-war protesters: 'Get out of here, you low-life scum'
— Matthew (@Matthops82) January 29, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015
In this week's EWTN The World Over, Raymond Arroyo reviews the headline news of the week, plus:
Rep. Randy Hultgren, U.S. Congressman from Illinois' 14th District joins Raymond to discuss his legislative efforts in the new congress to clamp down on the scourge human trafficking here in the U.S. and abroad.
Kevin Costner, Academy Award winning director, actor, and producer discusses his newest film, a labor of love called Black or White, that deals with the state of race in modern day America. He also speaks candidly about his career, family and faith in this exclusive interview.
Patrick Lofton of the National Catholic Educational Association and Patrick Reilly of the Cardinal Newman Society join Raymond to talk about Catholic Schools Week, the state of Catholic education in the U.S. today, and the controversial Common Core curriculum.

EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
A Victory for Religious Freedom in Canada
Iraqi Priests Protect Historic Christian Writings From Islamic State
Laywomen Launch Eucharistic Adoration Novena for the Synod
Seeking an End to the 'Scandalous Disunity' Between East and West
Retrieving Apologetics
What if things were actually getting better?
Fr. Joseph Illo Explains Altar Boys-Only Policy at San Francisco Parish
New Club Seeks to Unite Students in Faith at Three Indiana Catholic Colleges
The God of Sundays
New Must-Have Bible For Catholics

National Review's Jim Geraghty and Radio America's Greg Corombos discuss current events. Today's topics: President Obama's Cuba policy blows up in his face, Hillary Clinton seems to have no serious competition from other Dems in 2016, and a pair of corruption convictions may be thrown out on appeal.
Clinton retreats deeper into her cocoon
5 Questions for Hillary Clinton
The Truth About the Cuban 'Embargo'
Clinton retreats deeper into her cocoon
With the conventional wisdom on the left congealing against the idea of even a symbolic challenge to Hillary Clinton's march to the Democratic nomination, her team is now publicly toying with the idea of continuing to delay the official launch until the middle of summer. On Monday, the campaign offered a sneak peak to Politico, indicating that the campaign would come out of the shadows in April.
In what appears to be a rebuttal to the staff assumptions from "a Democrat familiar with Clinton's thinking," the news site reports today that "the actual kickoff would be in July." Clinton would submit to partial scrutiny from the Federal Elections Commission starting in April, the story says, but would keep most of her operation off the books until the beginning of July. The stated reason: the candidate wants "develop her message, policy and organization." Because the previous 14 years of running for president haven't given them enough time to nail it down…
[Additional white dudes retained - Politico also reports that two 2012 Obama digital gurus are at the top of the list for Hillary's campaign-in-waiting, Teddy Goff and Andrew Bleeker.]
The money line in the rebuttal from whoever Politico was quoting in throne room is this: "[Clinton] doesn't feel under any pressure, and they see no primary challenge on the horizon. If you have the luxury of time, you take it." This should terrify Democrats. If the campaign cocoon is so dense and so deep that courtiers are publicly quibbling in the press about the right moment for the monarch butterfly to emerge, they are farther out of touch with reality than even previous reporting had indicated.
But if this really is Clinton herself speaking through an emissary, it would suggest the kind of stage fright that foretells a risk-averse, bloodless, pre-fab campaign. Sound familiar? Those were the hallmarks of Clinton's losing endeavor in 2008 and, if the leaks are to be believed, the tendencies have deepened in the past seven years. Clinton's book tour showed not a candidate who was "rusty" but one who was unwilling to acknowledge political reality. A rusty candidate might complain about being "dead broke." But only an arrogant one would insist that she was right to say so.
The first hazard of being so blithe as to say Clinton "doesn't feel any pressure" is that it would not take long for a Democratic revolt to spring up. The presumptive nominee could be caught unawares, like this guy. While Clinton would be hard to stop from seizing the nomination, the effort of quelling an insurrection might be a strain.
The other, larger, hazard is that this trend depicts a candidate who will not be ready to meet the challenges of the general election. The longer Clinton stays inside the palace, hiding her treasury and ducking behind her retainers, the harder her eventual emergence will be...Also read:
5 Questions for Hillary Clinton
The Truth About the Cuban 'Embargo'

'Wouldn't Bet Against Me,' Scott Walker Says of White House Run
Why Mike Huckabee's Cornpone Politics Drives Me Crazy - And Will Never Work
Can Huckabee Overcome His "Catholic Problem" in 2016?
Mike Huckabee Urges A Constitutional Crisis Over Marriage
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence's 'Alternative' Medicaid Expansion Is The Worst One Yet
States push ahead with 20-week abortion bills
The Kochs Ride Again
Choose to refuse: Say NO to PARCC/SBAC testing
Islamofascist Bigot Mohamed Elibiary Goes on Hate-Filled Anti-Christian Rant
American Sniper Under Fire: The Left is Losing it's Grip on The Narrative

How bad was Obama's scrapped 529 plan? THIS bad
Obama drops plan to tax 529 plans. A policy must be pretty awful for the guy forcing nuns to provide birth control to concede the point.
— Casey Mattox (@CaseyMattoxADF) January 28, 2015
Here's the reason the MSM scrutinized Obama’s plan to raise taxes on 529 accounts
Did the 529 furor happen because journalists are exactly the kind of upper-middle class people who use 529s? pic.twitter.com/zFWJR6f3eL
— Byron Tau (@ByronTau) January 28, 2015
'Amateur hour': Obama's lousy 529 plan is still in official budget? Wait'll you hear why
He can stop the rise of the oceans, but he can't cancel a print job. This is too perfect. https://t.co/WwOWBdejOi
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) January 28, 2015
Vox gets reminded that there's hate directed at conservative women, too
Lib racism, it's what's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner: pic.twitter.com/SaYXyckErf
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 28, 2015
'Semantics!' WH deputy press secretary: Obama's Bergdahl swap was not concession to 'terrorists'
"The Taliban is an armed insurgency, ISIL is a terrorist group." Cool story bro. https://t.co/obOZSut833
— Jimmy (@JimmyPrinceton) January 28, 2015
Amanda Marcotte: Not pumped about female 'Ghostbusters' reboot? You're SEXIST!!!11!
It's boring how predictable she's gotten
https://t.co/VJF8SkddyH pic.twitter.com/sekg6BfF0C
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) January 28, 2015
'Going to audit some classes?' Joe Biden takes field trip to elementary school
he's going to audit some classes? RT @ZekeJMiller: Joe Biden makes a surprise stop at an elementary school https://t.co/U9hPwChOUH
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) January 28, 2015
'Endless source of comedy': Salon elevates Koch brothers threat level
— Matthew (@Matthops82) January 28, 2015
'Hitting the sauce again, John?' Boehner: 'I was the Tea Party before there was a Tea Party'
GAG ME... JOHN BOEHNER SAYS: "I was the Tea Party before there was a Tea Party." pic.twitter.com/1pBBlesE2J
— SatireWorks (@SatireWorks) January 28, 2015
Brawl erupts at Ferguson meeting on police oversight
Wow! Things just got outta hand pic.twitter.com/58WbugaeKR
— Christina Coleman (@ChristinaKSDK) January 29, 2015

Wednesday, January 28, 2015
EWTN News Nightly's Brian Patrick presents the headline news of the day.
Additional news and views from around the Catholic world:
The Untapped Potential of Catholic Schools Week
Why I send my kids to Catholic school
Engaging the Academy From the Heart of the Church
New Focus on Catholic Identity at San Francisco High Schools
Who's Entering Religious Life These Days?
The Angelic Doctor, Alive and Well
Models of Purity: St. Thomas Aquinas's Devotion to St. Agnes
Auschwitz: Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of Its Liberation
Needed: A New Church Policy toward Islam, Pt. 1
Profiles in Cowardice: Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH)

National Review's Jim Geraghty and Radio America's Greg Corombos discuss current events. Today's topics: Scott Walker moves closer to a presidential bid, Mike Pence's state-run news service idea, and crashing drones onto the White House lawn.
'I. Can't. Wait.' Scott Walker poised to breathe new life into 2016 POTUS race

Also read:
Scott Walker and the GOP's bright, fearless future
Jim Geraghty's Off-Kilter 2016 Rundown
'I. Can't. Wait.' Scott Walker poised to breathe new life into 2016 POTUS race
Scott Walker forms a PAC pic.twitter.com/tbL3I40Kou
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) January 27, 2015
Hold on to your hats:
It’s happening http://t.co/B1NfafhM1K
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) January 27, 2015
From WaPo:
Walker filed papers to set up the committee, called "Our American Revival," and a new Web site for the organization was scheduled to go live later Tuesday. The steps come after a busy weekend of pre-presidential events that included his address at the Iowa Freedom Summit, a later appearance at a gathering in California hosted by the billionaire Koch brothers and a stopover in Denver for additional fundraising.
"Our American Revival encompasses the shared values that make our country great; limiting the powers of the federal government to those defined in the Constitution while creating a leaner, more efficient, more effective and more accountable government to the American people," Walker said in a statement in the release announcing the committee.
The formation of the new committee represents Walker's most significant step to date in a process that is expected to result in a declaration of candidacy later this year, once he and the legislature have gone through the budget process in his state.In a field full of Jebs and Mitts and Ricks, Walker is a welcome — and fresh — addition.
Finally, an episode of "Everyone is Running for President" that people will actually enjoy http://t.co/hd2ckKBfAt
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) January 27, 2015
We'll drink to that!
Good. RT @Foudroyant: RT @ron_fournier: Walker running http://t.co/znDcGFD9fL
— ن Miké Ramoné ن (@ThePantau) January 27, 2015
Good RT @allahpundit: It’s happening http://t.co/LIp1DmJLOa
— Andy Lancaster (@andylancaster) January 27, 2015
I'm happy @ScottWalker is getting into the 2016 race. At this point, I'm a fan of a Walker/Rubio ticket. I want new, fresh blood in the GOP.
— Athena (@AthenaTweets) January 27, 2015
Woohoo! #ScottWalker preparing for 2016 Presidential bid. I say YES! http://t.co/mIWDAVdCrp
— Tina Rendon (@GabbiesR) January 27, 2015
@senatorshoshana @kjon @ScottWalker He is my numero uno pick!
— Beth Baumann (@eb454) January 27, 2015
Excellent. RT @ZekeJMiller: Scott Walker forms committee in preparation for 2016 presidential bid http://t.co/UDrnFUHB3O
— Christy Lynn (@ChristyLynnLSU) January 27, 2015
I'm SO excited to hear @ScottWalker is starting a committee. It means we're one step closer to fixing America! #tcot #tlot #pjnet
— Beth Baumann (@eb454) January 27, 2015
YES! RT @ZekeJMiller: Scott Walker forms committee in preparation for 2016 presidential bid http://t.co/dvtH27uo7x
— BD (@BDiddyNoVA) January 27, 2015
#Walker2016 I. Can't. Wait.
— Sara (@SJHotel) January 27, 2015
American Conservatism picked up an undefeated prize fighter today @ScottWalker
— Jimmy_James (@JimmyJames38) January 27, 2015
Scott Walker announces the formation of THRONE OF SKULLS FOR AMERICA http://t.co/4qwDNqH3Sp
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) January 27, 2015
Has a nice ring to it, dontcha think?
WaPo on Walker: "he has repeatedly emerged victorious over his opponents." He sits on throne of their decaying bones. http://t.co/65y43zpN9t
— Paul Blair (@gopaulblair) January 27, 2015
That'll look amazing in the Oval Office. RT @iowahawkblog: Scott Walker 2016 pic.twitter.com/KINN754gDb
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) January 27, 2015
Crush the proglodytes, see them driven before you & hear the lamentations of their women! MT @rdbrewer4 @ScottWalker pic.twitter.com/AQysacpKY9
— Moira Fitzgerald ن (@Moira1987) January 28, 2015
Visit Scott Walker's new site: Our American Revival
Also read:
Scott Walker and the GOP's bright, fearless future
Jim Geraghty's Off-Kilter 2016 Rundown

How to fight Obama (and Hillary Clinton)
Absence of White House Strategy Makes ISIS, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan Wars Unwinnable
Iranian Terror and the Death of Alberto Nisman
Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity: An Atheist's Guide
Resist or Accommodate Evil: There is No "Third Way"
The Hidden Costs of Surrogacy
The Left is still looking for a modern 'rape culture' poster child
New Romney strategy emerges: He's going to "rebrand himself as authentic"
What American Sniper Gets Right
What Does Hollywood Have Against Marriage?

#SocialMeltdown2015: Facebook and Instagram crash, Twitter users in mild freakout; Update: 'Lizard Squad' claims credit
What's going on with #Facebook and #Instagram were they hacked!?!? I can't do anything! Don't take away #Twitter too
— Jessica Hubbard (@Sassygalshops) January 27, 2015
Hacked? 😳 RT “@TheNextWeb: It's not just you! @Facebook and @Instagram are down right now http://t.co/USbHrUFJrJ pic.twitter.com/syqVzzovhA”
— Temi Lasade-Anderson (@temilasade) January 27, 2015
Facebook is down. Instragram is down. What if twitter stops working and everything just ends here. #SocialMeltDown2015
— rubina | king louis (@Holloucinate) January 27, 2015
One thing is clear: Twitter is the evacuation procedure. #SocialMeltdown2015
— Senthorun Raj (@senthorun) January 27, 2015
Word on da block iz Twitter hacked instagram and facebook
— Marshawn Lynch (@Lil_Mal0) January 27, 2015
North Korea is coming. RT @abcnews
#BREAKING: Social media services Facebook and Instagram appear to be down.
— Hakuna Matata (@LoveLeSKY) January 27, 2015
Manual Facebook Update Protocols Engaged: #FacebookDown pic.twitter.com/vxxgC6CMYf
— King Podge (@kingpodge) January 27, 2015
— Jenna Guillaume (@JennaGuillaume) January 27, 2015
@TwitchyTeam it's as if millions of Facebook/Instagram users suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced
— nilgirian (@nilgirian) January 27, 2015
@TwitchyTeam LOL....OH NO! pic.twitter.com/mb5ZVOSdeQ
— Jody Sanchez (@jlszoom) January 27, 2015
Looks like #Lizardsquad has stuck again. remember XBox at Christmas - via @rConflictNews: . pic.twitter.com/ste7VpDMaz”
— Kay Burley (@KayBurley) January 27, 2015
.@Facebook has returned. Was LizardSquad really responsible about this? #latism pic.twitter.com/i4p9s75Rqn
— Alberto C Saldamando (@ElMundoTech) January 27, 2015
Slow news day? Somebody in Boston dressed in a Yeti suit and the media loves it
Did the prospect of heavy snowfall draw out a Yeti in Boston? http://t.co/dO8gGC7Gfg pic.twitter.com/663G7lUV0P
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 27, 2015
'That guy is a boss!' Cheryl Casone's coffee cart not affected by the #BlizzardOf2015 or the NYC travel ban
Take that #blizzard2015. 5am NYC the coffee cart is open for biz http://t.co/3syomm6xHs
— Cheryl Casone (@cherylcasone) January 27, 2015
'Is that you in there?' Jasper helps Dana Perino take a poke at Greg Gutfeld
Hey @greggutfeld, is that you in there? pic.twitter.com/kPp6agY3O5
— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) January 27, 2015
Announced all-female 'Ghostbusters' reboot gets slimed
BEST CASTING EVER! Meet the new all-female Ghostbusters cast! http://t.co/ncvAV441mk pic.twitter.com/00qP9DptJB
— E! Online (@eonline) January 27, 2015
The thing I look forward to even more than a shitty reboot of Ghostbusters is a shitty all-female reboot of Ghostbusters. #tinktinktinktink
— Stephen Green (@VodkaPundit) January 27, 2015
The new Ghostbusters bust ghosts AND THE PATRIARCHY.
— Mike Roe (@MikeRoe) January 28, 2015
'Scent of a Man': Ghostbusters announcement sparks #GenderSwapReboots
Working Boy #GenderSwapReboots
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) January 27, 2015
Flasher Dance #GenderSwapReboots
— Joel (@native_CDN) January 27, 2015
@BenHowe Jamie Bond: Preoperative. #GenderSwapReboots pic.twitter.com/dknTayFQya
— Martial Mouth (@MisterMouth) January 27, 2015
@BenHowe The Godmother #GenderSwapReboots
— John Groves (@jfgroves) January 27, 2015
Harry Poppins #GenderSwapReboots
— Joel (@native_CDN) January 27, 2015
We Weren’t Soldiers #GenderSwapReboots
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) January 27, 2015
Aaron Brockovich #GenderSwapReboots
— andy! (@andyzoric) January 27, 2015
Summary from Team Obama: Drilling for oil in Alaska? Bad; Drilling for oil off the Atlantic Coast? Good
Barack Drill Baby Drill Obama RT @nytimes: White House to Propose Allowing Oil Drilling off Atlantic Coast http://t.co/rdvJhhKGY3 #climate
— mg81992 (@mg81992) January 27, 2015
'#KillTheDrill': Senator Menendez tweets laughably fake oil rig photo
The Atlantic shores belong to all of us - not #BigOil. #killthedrill pic.twitter.com/10eNzQ8huH
— Sen. Robert Menendez (@SenatorMenendez) January 27, 2015
Fake photos belong to all of us. RT @SenatorMenendez The Atlantic shores belong to all of us - not #BigOil. pic.twitter.com/bSCXtka8AL
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) January 27, 2015
Yup. Propaganda is harder with the internet around. RT @seanmdav Fake photos belong to all of us. @SenatorMenendez pic.twitter.com/C8jE6PM905
— Hired Mind (@thehiredmind) January 27, 2015
'Shelf life of about a week': President drops plan to cut tax benefits of 529 college savings plans
Has any SOTU proposal been dropped faster than the ill fated 529 plan? Gone in seven days!
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) January 27, 2015
The White House is giving up on its college savings tax hike because it's a "distraction"...i.e. a really bad idea. http://t.co/guEitJM8Mp
— Ken Calvert (@KenCalvert) January 27, 2015
Obama is giving up his idea of going after your Section 529 plans. Apparently it was too much even for House Democrats -- which says a lot.
— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) January 27, 2015
@morningmoneyben struck me as result of policy staffer searching for every large untaxed column they could find simply to make math work
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) January 27, 2015
'Nice job, Obama': Bergdahl desertion charge would make POTUS look even worse
Bowe Bergdahl to be charged with desertion. Will Obama announce it from the Rose Garden? pic.twitter.com/pAMnHj8lvc
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 27, 2015
Army doing the right thing. Will pursue desertion charges against #Bergdahl. Team Obama rumored to be wetting pants.
— That Guy You Like (@DrAlfredBellows) January 27, 2015
In trading 5 terrorists for a deserter, Obama didn't even do the basic research on Bergdahl. Then, he asked us to celebrate. Embarrassing.
— Sherman Frederick (@shermfrederick) January 27, 2015
The Obama Administration owes Bowe Bergdahl's platoon mates a HUGE apology for calling them crazy when they said he deserted. #lnyhbt
— Adam Knox (@akconservative9) January 27, 2015
Obama admin: "Served with honor/distinction" MT @NBCNews Bowe Bergdahl to be charged with desertion, officials say http://t.co/GM3fQdCOfA
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) January 27, 2015

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