Monday, August 26, 2013


Dear Leader claims to have some secret "Republican" friends who only want what's best for him and his agenda.  Unfortunately, they're afraid of what the Conservatives will say and do, so they have to remain in the closet.  In other words, they don't want their elite beltway status harmed by having to actually be accountable to their constituencies.  And just like Stalin needed a Trotsky to be "the enemy," Dear Leader has El Rushbo.  

The difference, of course, is that Rush has always been a loud and proud Conservative which meant that during the administration of the last Democrat POTUS, he was directly blamed for the Oklahoma City bombing.  This was the notorious Dick Morris-inspired smearing of Limbaugh as well as Speaker Newt Gingrich and the House GOP in preparation for Clinton's re-election run.  (Which, by the way, should be your response anytime a Democrat whines about the Willie Horton ad in 1988.)

Despite the best efforts of his enemies, Limbaugh recently celebrated a quarter-century on the air and has signed a new 3-year deal with Cumulus Media.  So much for Media Matters and all the other pathetic "Stop Rush" nutjobs.  Maybe one of these days the Kool-aid Brigade will learn not to mess with the People's Champion...

So Obama has resorted to blaming a radio personality for all his problems in Washington.  Well isn't that special?  Even Howard Kurtz thinks it's ridiculous:
Really? A guy with a microphone is preventing the president of the United States from getting his way on Capitol Hill? Is Rush that powerful?
And made another excellent point:
So Obama was indulging in a bit of shorthand by saying his problem is El Rushbo - and in the process elevated Limbaugh to his level.
Naturally, Limbaugh knocked Obama's curveball right out of the park.  As he explained to Politico:
"The true irony here is the Republicans are not listening to me. I don't know who the Republicans are listening to outside of their consultants, but they're not listening to me," he said.
Later Limbaugh said that the president keeps portraying Limbaugh as "his No. 1 obstacle."
"The president of the United States seems to think that I'm something more than relevant, seems to think that I am something more than an entertainer," he added. "The president of the United States has blamed me more than he's blamed Boehner or McConnell or anybody else in the Republican organizational chart."
"Here I just leapfrogged over George W. Bush, over the Republican Party, over the speaker of the House. I've leapfrogged over the ridge. I am at the top of the enemies list," Limbaugh said.
Limbaugh further makes the point that people simply aren't listening to Obama anymore, and that Dear Leader doesn't "command nearly the attention or the interest that he [did]." This is why Obama is once again blaming Limbaugh.  As Greta Van Susteren said to Rush: "Man oh man, do you live rent-free in Obama's head!"

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