Monday, August 26, 2013


PersonhoodUSA went after Planned Parenthood on BuzzFeed last week and left-wing supporters of the abortion mills were not at all pleased by that.  The outrage was that BuzzFeed's community page dared provide a platform that could be used to promote - gasp! - Conservative views.  As everybody knows, diverse opinions are shunned by the Left.  

While BuzzFeed wisely resisted the temptation to remove the offending post, the kittens-and-GIFs cool kids did add a disclaimer, just to remind their fans that they didn't do it.  "Community posts are made by members of the community, and are not vetted or endorsed by BuzzFeed."

The list of appalling and illegal behavior on the part of Planned Parenthood includes offering sex-selective abortions, covering up child sex trafficking, failing to report statutory rape and, of course, the lie that Planned Parenthood is more about mammograms than abortion...

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