Sunday, June 28, 2015


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Via USA Today:
Comedienne Amy Schumer is used to being called "racist." After all, she's a comic who isn't shy about cracking jokes on a variety of topics, including race, because playing with that topic is fun and "is a thing we are not supposed to do," she says.
But on Sunday, Schumer clearly had enough of the negative and, she felt, misinformed speech sent in her direction. So the comedic actress shared a defensive note with her haters:
"I ask you to resist the urge to pick me apart. Trust me. I am not racist. I am a devout feminist and lover of all people," she wrote.
That instantly reminded me of this:

I have mixed emotions regarding poor Amy's predicament. For the record, I don't think she's "racist" in any real sense. On the other hand, blue-on-blue conflict amuses me even more than her comedy!
For such a keen observer of social norms and an effective satirist of the ways gender is complicated by them, Schumer has a shockingly large blind spot around race. Her lackluster stint hosting the MTV Movie awards...featured lazy jokes about Latina women being "crazy" that left Jennifer Lopez as unimpressed as the online commentariat.
...Schumer's stand-up repeatedly delves into racial territory tactlessly and with no apparent larger point. Her standup special features jokes like "Nothing works 100% of the time, except Mexicans" and much of her character's dumb slut persona is predicated on the fact that the men she sleeps with are people of color. "I used to date Latino guys," she says in an older stand-up routine. "Now I prefer consensual."
Schumer has said that she's not worried about the show upsetting people because viewers know "we have good intentions," but as Anne Thériault wrote for the Daily Dot: "Amy Schumer frequently makes jokes that perpetuate stereotypes rather than dismantle them … It's hard not to feel like Schumer is only here for women who look like her."
I especially adore Amy's pained outrage that she, a white feminist, could possibly be called a racist! (If she was truly committed to being "edgy" she could try her shtick as a Conservative woman.) Talk about liberal privilege!

She can make all the jokes she wants but the fact of the matter is that she's just another white liberal who literally demands immunity from the vicious brand of identity politics she undoubtedly supports (when it's not directed at her, of course).
"I ask you to resist the urge to pick me apart. Trust me. I am not racist. I am a devout feminist and lover of all people. My fight is for all people to be treated equally. So move on to the next person who is more deserving of your scrutiny and not the girl in your corner. Sincerely Amy (a dirty half Jew)"
Got that? Not only is she an enlightened white liberal but she's a half-victim herself, yo! Anyway, enjoy the video...

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