Friday, January 4, 2013


The outrageous publicity stunt and promotional strategy perpetrated by the Westchester, NY, Journal News last week is still in the news.  As everybody now knows, the newspaper's editorial board decided to use FOIA to publish the names and addresses of all legal gun owners in Westchester and Rockland counties.
The map indicates the addresses of all pistol permit holders in Westchester and Rockland counties. Each dot represents an individual permit holder licensed to own a handgun — a pistol or revolver. The data does not include owners of long guns — rifles or shotguns — which can be purchased without a permit. Being included in this map does not mean the individual at a specific location owns a weapon, just that they are licensed to do so. 
Worse than that, the newspaper provided an interactive map pinpointing the locations. This meant that not only are the addresses available but anybody online can easily use the map to take a look at the house in question.  

In their misguided and mean-spirited rush to punish legal gun owners by treating them like registered sex offenders the people at the Journal News apparently failed to realize that many of these people have good reason to both own guns and maintain some privacy concerning their whereabouts.  That would include members of law enforcement and judges as well as women and children who are hiding from violent ex-husbands or boyfriends who might want to track them down and hurt or even kill them.

I'd like to think that these people at the Journal News simply failed to realize the consequences of their rash act.  However, the sad reality is that these fanatics view legal gun owners as the enemy and, therefore, are not deserving of consideration, even if it means exposing them to life-threatening situations.  
The American Left, which thoroughly dominates the mainstream media, no longer believes, if it ever did, in the concept of reasonable and respectable people disagreeing in good faith on core issues; it increasingly demonstrates that it believes all opposition to its own outlook and policies must never be tolerated, but only eradicated. Its opposition is never to be engaged on the level of ideas, but only ridiculed and held up as evil. The Left has done nothing but demonize its opposition for years.
Here is a transcript of the conversation a concerned blogger had with somebody at the newspaper...   

From Big Fur Hat of iOwnTheWorld:

I just got off the phone with a guy who picked up the Breaking News tip line at the Urinal News- er… Journal News. That number is 914.694.5077

Here are some notes from our conversation:

Big Fur Hat (BFH): Does the Journal News stand by their decision to publish the names and addresses of gun permit owners?

Journal News (JN): There’s been no change.

BFH: What was the motive of publishing this map?

JN: The motive was clearly stated at the time of publication

BFH: Can you spell it out for me what the motive was?

JN:  It was spelled out when we published it.

BFH: I didn’t see that. I saw the map.

JN: If you haven’t seen it then why are you calling?

BFH: For your…

JN: What does it have to do with you if you haven’t seen it and you’re not affected by it?

BFH: No, no no, I haven’t seen what you say is the reason you published the map. I’ve seen the map. I haven’t seen your stated reason. I don’t know where to go to read that. Why can’t you just state the reason now?

JN: One of the roles of journalists is to report publicly available information on timely issues, even if it is unpopular. We knew providing the information in the database in the context of our story would be controversial, but we thought that sharing the information about gun permits in our area was important in the aftermath of the Newtown shooting.

BFH: What is the import of that?

JN: We felt that it was important for people to know about that.

BFH: Know about what?

...long hesitation...

JN: The information that was imparted.

BFH: Well, what are people supposed to do with that information?

JN: It’s up to them.

BFH: So you’re putting that information out there as a public service and you don’t care what people do with that information?

JN: I have no comment and I’m not going to let you bait me…

BFH: no no no… wait, one last thing. I’ve made some phone calls to some of the people on the map, and 30% of the people were ex-detectives, judges and attorneys. (Full disclosure – I called 3 people and one was an ex-detective who was very upset. One other person I called did his own research and uncovered several attorneys, judges and members of law enforcement.) Do you care that you put this information out about people who spent a lifetime keeping certain information non-public?

JN: The information is legally available and public.

BFH: Ya, but what is legally available and what is right morally and ethically are two different things. Do you have any opinion on that?

JN: My opinion is not an issue here.

BFH: Is the Journal news going to continue with this style sheet, publishing FOIA information, are you going to put out anything other than gun permits, perhaps people who are HIV positive? That would be a “public service.”

JN: I have no idea..

BFH: Would that be a public service?

JN:... I wouldn’t reveal our plans to you even if I did know.

BFH: Would that serve the public?

...long hesitation...

JN: I have no comment.

BFH: What about people who are gay? Would that serve the public?

...long hesitation...

JN: You know the answer to that.

BFH: No I don’t. I’m asking you, the Journal News is educating me.

JN: I have no comment for you. If you have a (unintelligible) to answer I’d be happy to answer it, otherwise I will say goodbye to you and have a good day. (His voice sounded like he wanted me to die a thousand deaths.)

BFH: hmmm… wow

JN: (click)

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