Thursday, November 1, 2012


Jenny is a 13-year-old 8th grader who's been interested in politics for a couple of years. She was confused about the claims of the Democrats and the claims of the Republicans. So, she decided to look at the facts and do a report card for President Barack Obama and one for Governor Mitt Romney. She compared them and now presents her findings in this video.

1 comment:

  1. The rest of you libs out there see how easy it is? This young woman did it, OF HER OWN VOLITION, and came to an informed and logically arrived-at choice. So how hard can it be?

    And by 'it', I mean she weighed the pros and cons as evidenced by the two candidates in their public speaking and as they demonstrate them, with the results of their actions.

    The majority of liberals out there are certain to think that there's some sort of Jedi mind trick to it, but I suspect that's just because they've never used their brains for any critical thinking to this point.

    Give me a few thousand more like this girl, and I might not worry too much about the fate of the world after we oldsters are all gone.
